Friday, January 27, 2023

Why 20XX?

With the new year, I'm starting to go back through a few pieces that never got finished for one reason or another. This one was generated during a slow period in working on Some Weird Sin, when the dystopian parts of cyberpunk were starting to weigh on me, and I used this as a distraction to drag some whimsy back into my work. My material was starting to sound more like Oddko, when what I want is more like the Epoxies

It also included a statement saying I was working on Some Weird Sin (after I just sort of stopped interacting with most communities for some reason) and explained the removal of Grizzled Cop (tl; dr: I wanted a Punisher-like, but worked my way into Dirt Harry. Also ACAB.) 

Now, mind you, this here's a fluff piece - a bit of world building. It ain't meant to be taken as gospel, and you ain't meant memorize it. Use it wholesale if you want, or as inspiration otherwise, or out right ignore it. 

Anyway, in an effort to get my head back in that "whimsical" space, I set out to reveal the greatest secret of the setting:

Why is it set in the year 20XX?

Well, a gal's gotta retain some mystery, so I'll narrowed it down to two, equally plausible reasons.

1. I can't be bothered
With no over arching metaplot, or a need to keep everything in a linear order, a solid date really isn't necessary. Set it in 2025, 1998, 2615 - Doesn't matter. Put it where ever you want. Doesn't matter. None of this matters. Time is an illusion, and in a game of pretend, doubly so. I snagged the idea of "20XX" from a Mega Man game, only to later learn it's another rpg system. Doesn't matter. 

2. No One is Entirely Sure
Well, some horologists know, but they're bound by NDAs to not reveal the truth. In the march to commodify everything, Capitalism turned against time itself. You see, at some point in the Collapse, the National Institute of Standards and Technology was in dire need of money for whatever it is they do, so they began selling the naming rights to the current years. Did they have legal authority to do this? No. Gods no. But you sling enough money around in a capitalist hellscape and it really doesn't matter. 

The first year this happened was the Year of Duke's Mayonnaise. At first people were confused, obviously, but by the Year of Depends Adult Undergarments the corporations loved the permanent advertising and bought every damn politician they could (for surprisingly cheap) and pushed through legislation to make it official US time keeping. The "small government" hucksters who love large over reaching government policies were the cheapest of all. After the "Quantum Quinquennial" - a five year advertisement for some damn super hero movie - people were overwhelmed by it all and gave in, eventually forgetting the numerical date all together. By the time NIST lost authority for, well, anything, the idea had gained enough "popularity" (political bribing) that the International Bureau of Weights and Measures continued the trend. 

"But...numerical time keeping is FAR more accurate and useable?" That is correct. And also why the corporations continue to use it for their internal documents, though mostly following their own time lines with Year Zero being the founding of the business. Or the birth of the founder if they're one of those companies. The average nobody on the street, however, doesn't know this. 

And there are certainly other calendars still in use, such as the Soviet calendar. But propaganda is a hell of a drug, and the rest of the Western world thinks it's an inefficient and backwards calendar with too many breaks provided. Also the alternating 5 and 6 day weeks were weird and confusing. 

There's also Dreamspell, but it has 260 names for the days of the week. Do you want that? I've been staring at it for twenty minutes and I still can't figure it out. You're just trading one confusion for another. 

The year 20XX aligns roughly with Splurge! Ranch flavored Cola. I say "roughly" because a few companies, from time to time, have purchased/bribed a few extra weeks for special promotions. 

Notable Years

As stated, any fluff presented should only be seen as inspiration and not taken as true canon, unless you need it at your table. 

Whitewing Financial Retirement Services - Yet another Stock Market collapse wipes out most savings and retirement funds. Most companies used their bail out handouts to buy back the majority of stocks, rather than cover employee salaries. Nothing new, but another step in the slow trudge towards megacorporations.  

Concorde Mk 6: Get to Where You're Going - The Soviet Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics in Kyiv develops and successfully deploys the first human cybernetic augmentation (it was an arm), fully mimicking baseline functionality with neural interfacing and feedback. Integrated weapons and shit came later. 

The Concorde: A Year in Memory - Food shortages and over population on the West Coast (it's mostly a desert after all) lead to a hot new food like product being released onto the markets: Sophia Meat. Cheaper and quicker to grow than traditional beef and pork, this cloned human meat quickly became a culinary sensation and, thanks to a loophole in badly worded human cloning laws, is completely legal! New flavors were released within the year: Chloe, Abigail, and Christopher.  

Rothchilds Fuente Cigars - The first recorded person to remove healthy tissue purely to replace it with cybernetics specifically for a job does so around this time. They are later fired for taking too much sick leave when problems arise from infections caused by the immunosuppressant drugs, and the cybernetics were removed - it was company property after all. Unable to work, but still indebted to the company for the cost of surgery and advanced PTO time, they were soon arrested and bound in a debtor's prison, forced to make telemarketing calls about a car's extended warranty. 

 Bayer/Johnson Veterinarian Presents: Farmer's Select Horse Feed - Horses can only be referred to in the past tense now, as a "mysterious" plague wiped them out. 

 McKayes Jewelry: Get Her a Moon Diamond - A portion of the Raft (The crippled remains of an insane religion's sea organization, bound together with derelict ships that have had the unfortunate fate of being caught in nets - or simply pirated) breaks off from the main "fleet" currently colonizing and mining the Pacific Plastic Patch. This portion crashes into one of the smaller Hawaii islands and attempts to ensnare the island to the collective. Three days and copious amounts of fire later, the inhabitants manage to drive off the invaders. In response Congress shrugs at this invasion, largely because several were bought funded by the religion. 

Hynes High Hemmed Pants - It was reasoned that "Since companies are legally people, if the company was founded in America at least 35 years ago, the last 14 of which where spent headquartered in America, THEN said company can run for the office of president." Sounds bullshit, but the Conservative infested Supreme Court went all in on the idea. Naturally, the results were terrible, but President Gewalt still won a second term. 

Selkie's Seaweed Chips - Texas finally put it's money where it's mouth was and seceded again, this time taking Oklahoma along with it. Food riots began 3 weeks later, Water Wars within the month. The independent power grid collapsed during an unusually hot summer. Texas leadership responded by fleeing to Brazil. Current Texas leadership is a collection of unallied warlords. 

AcetaminophenPlus: Now with Cocaine! - Following in Texas' footsteps, but not learning any damn thing, the MidWest micronations soon start to secede, fueled by propaganda created by Farming Corporations. Farming Corporations that soon buy up large swathes of land and begin their own little kingdoms. Mall of America soon becomes a powerhouse in the region. 

HUMMER Duo: the Twin Engine SUV - Dustbowl's back, yo. In North AND South America. 

Gewalt Personal Defense: Wake up. Choose Violence - After a hacking of the San Francisco voting system, each candidate declares themselves the winner. This means San Francisco now has four self declared governments, none of which acknowledges the legitimacy of the others. No outside government agency stepped in as the nation was wracked with apathy and morbid curiosity at how the situation played out. 

All New, All Difffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff- A few minor political scandals, nothing newsworthy. The name was due to a typo, something falling on the keyboard of the worker filling out the official forms. By the time anyone caught it (or cared enough to notice), it was too late to change, as the forms had been submitted. "Year of the Difff" the youth tend to call it. You know how they are. 

Ride of the Canyonero - Kaiju fights become a thing and quickly become popular all around the Pacific Rim. MUCH smaller scale than what you're probably thinking. Think horse sized creatures controlled by neural interface fighting it out for YOUR entertainment. 

Papa Jim's Canned Water (Now with 17% less microplastics!) - The Conservative party in power goes mask off and makes military service a compulsory requirement for citizenship with full legal protections and services. The Liberal party (also conservative) wanted to add means testing, but offered no further resistance. Honestly, this came as a jarring surprise, as most people thought Congress shut down years ago and couldn't recall the last election they voted in.

Tsunami Joe's Synth-Tequila -  The first specimens that eventually grow into the AgroWastes are thought to have been smuggled out of a laboratory around this time. The AgroWastes: A green hell of GMO crops run rampant and out of control. Food is everywhere, but dangerous to eat as the modified crops poison and alter you. Likewise, as to be expected, the wildlife is mutated all to hell.

Skrew Korps!: The Movie - The US Congress just sort of shrugs it's collective shoulders as the West Coast declares itself annexed by Japan, taking the majority of the Tech Industry with it. Though Japan had already invested in 86% of the Industry anyway. The US primary industry is now the Military-Entertainment complex, followed closely by the Prison Industrial complex. 

Still no resolution on the San Francisco thing. 

Splurge! Ranch flavored Cola - Current year. PCs get up to some shit. Probably. 

This Is Over Complicated and No One Would Actually Use It. 

Credit scores were created in 1989. Over draft fees in 1990. If there's a way to sap money from someone, Capitalism will latch onto it like a tick and we're usually stuck with it, having to pretend like it's normal because we have to. Look at the American health insurance system. Dumb shit like this is very believable. Also, it's pretend, settle down. 

Monday, January 23, 2023


I originally wrote the Martial Artist with the intention of adapting Shadowrun's Adept for GoblinBright. However, I didn't immediately do it, and forgot. Classic Wayspell. In moving over the GoblinBright material to the SRD I realized this oversight, so here (a year later) I set to fixing it. 

Also, the numbers are still getting wiggled on the original template. Originally, a template D Martial Artist could modify the cost of a move in their school by 6 (4 for the templates, 1 for being a MA, and 1 for being in school); meaning a move that cost 10 inventory slots would only cost the MA 4. This was suppose to make it so anyone could learn the moves, but could only do one or two at a time, while the Martial Artist had a whole tool bag ready to go. What it ACTUALLY did was confused the drunken players who's math skills were never the strongest to begin with. 

New idea: Cost listed is per level, paid in inventory slots. This level will be the variable within the description, rather than the [cost], [additional], and [total] nonsense. Or whatever it was I called them. Any non Martial Artist can learn a move, but do so at a +2 Cost. 

An Adroit is basically an Martial Artist powered by personal magic. 


Several monasteries and legit dojos throughout the world can be found that offer training in the Adroit art. Through hard work and thoughtful meditation, along with years of practice, the Student can learn to focus their spiritual energy into themselves or the world around them and accomplish feats hereto unheard of in the Western world.  

Unfortunately, the most popular training route is a YouTube series by a Pasadena strip mall dojo instructor named Todd Forrester who will "totally teach you to focus your vibe." 

Costs listed are per level, unless otherwise noted. Treat each playlist as a "school." 


1. Wall Run (3/level) 
"This guy was, like, the One, or something, and he was trying to get through a lobby, but dudes were like, 'No, you can't do that' and totally shooting at him. He was all, 'I'm running across the wall, lol." 
While moving at a Run, you may consider 5*[Level] feet of a vertical surface as suitable for running, gravity be damned. You must start your turn on solid ground. 

2. Hawkeye Throw (5/level)
"So, like, the hero dude was all "I don't miss," and the bad guy was "you're definitely going to miss, bro," but then like, he didn't. You just gotta not miss, dude."   
[Level] times per scene, you may treat your Thrown attack as a 1 (hitting the target and doing Critical damage).  

3. Devil Vision (3/level)
"Okay, it's not, like, ACTUALLY a vision, but the dude was all, like, 'I'm blind, and from the Devil's Kitchen' which was in New York City for some reason, and, like, he could still totally see you and know you were there. He may have been THE Devil, I don't know." 
By stopping to focus yourself, listening to the world around you, you may detect movement around you at a range of 10*[level] feet. This is done through detecting changes in air current, barometric pressure, picking up on the slightest noise, etc. As said, it's not an actual vision based ability, Todd Forrester is just an idiot. 

4. Battle Cry (2/level) 
"And he's all like, 'That's just it, I'm always angry, dude' and he gives this gnarl yell, just a big ass yell, and the bad dudes are all, 'Woah, I'm scared of that guy.' And like, there's plenty of pedestrians outside the dojo, in the parking lot, so class outside today, dudes." 
Once per scene, you may give a loud battle cry and force opponents within 20 feet of you to make a Save vs Fear, with a [level] penalty. 

5. Single Bound (4/level)
"Bro could totally, like, leap tall buildings in a single bound, though...all the ones around here are rather short, so let's start there, dude"
You can casually jump 20*[level] feet from an unmoving standing position. 

6. Combat Sense (3/level)
"It's like, when the bad dudes come up on the hero and he's all 'naw, bro.' That's you, dude."  
When surprised, you have a [level]-in-6 chance of acting anyway. 

7. Free Falling (4/level)
"So he's all "I don't need no parachute, bro, I'll just take his." but like, we don't have parachutes to practice with...sooooooooo...we'll just do without?"
When falling from a great height, you can ignore [Level]d6 fall damage. 

8. Traceless Step (6) 
"And the sensei was all 'you gotta walk across this rice paper without leaving a trace, in order to graduate, lil' bro.' Don't worry, though, I won't be that rough on you. I don't even know where to GET paper from." 
By investing the points for this single level skill, you automatically do not leave a trace on any sort of surface (sand, snow, etc), nor do you make a sound while doing so. You also don't set off pressure plates or motion sensors. 

9. Feign Death (4/level)
"Just like that scene from my favorite movie, Highlander 2, where you think they're dead, but, like, surprise!"
Taking after the noble opossum, you drop into a light coma for [level] rounds. During this time you register as Dead in all aspects. Heart monitors, thermal detection, general poking and prodding: all report "Dead." During this state you can not perceive the world around you, however aggressive enemies are not likely to bother you. Because you're dead. 

10. Adrenaline Spike (5/level)
"They say it's like, bullet time, or something, cameras, I don't know, but like, now you can do it too, dude."
Allows for an additional [level] actions per round this is activated. However, you also take 1d6 Nonlethal damage per round used. 

11. Monkey Snatches Plum (6/level) 
"These two dudes were fighting, right? Doing some sweet Kung-Fu and one was all 'what's in your pockets? lol lmao' and just took the dudes coins out of his pocket. Pretty funny stuff, dude."
When passing a successful melee Attack check by 5, and while being within reach of the target, you may make an additional Combat Maneuver to view [level] items on their person, and select which to take. Can also be used to sneakily add things to their inventory. 

12. Wolverine Healing (6/level) 
"So the bad dudes were all, like, 'rattattattat - there's a million holes in you, bro.' But, then, like, the dude was all 'grrrr, I'm a wolverine, mate' (which is like a wolf or something?) and then he totally healed all the gunshot holes." 
While this form is active, you heal [level] HP per round. Does not count as Magical healing. 


1. Air Punch (3/level) 
"When, like, you wanna punch a dude, but he's way over there - THAT's when you gotta look deep inside yourself, and realize, truly, just how much you want to punch that dude way over there" 
By sending out a rush of air (from your...fists? I guess? However airbenders do it. This is airbending.) you can punch someone up to 5*[level+1] feet away. 

2. Fire Strike (2/level)
"It also works for lighting your cigs off of, dude." 
You add an additional [level]d4 Fire damage to your attacks. 

3. Ice Punch (2/level) 
"It'll chill your drinks in a pinch, bro."
You add an additional [level]d4 Cryo damage to your attacks. 

4. Ground Pound (4/level) 
"If you're surrounded by assholes, and like, you can't hit them all at once, just hit the ground, dude. Hit the ground. But, like, hard." 
By punching the ground you force everyone with a 5*[level] foot radius to Save vs Trip or fall prone. 

5. Ghost Punch (2/level) 
"Just because they're, like, not corporeal doesn't mean, like, you can't punch them, man." 
You're able to both see and punch spirits, doing [level]d4 damage.

6. Missile Punching (3/level)
"The best defense is a good offense, dude, so, like, just punch the bullet, dude."  
 You may reduce incoming ranged attacks by [level]. Should you reduce the attack to 0, you also catch the projectile. 

7. Knock Back (3/level) 
"Sometimes, you just gotta get a dude outta your face, you know, bro?"
Target must Save are be knocked back 5*[level] feet. Should the target hit a solid surface they take damage equal to (remaining feet/5)d4. 

8. M80 Grasp (3/level)
"We all get drunk, or stoned, and forget we're holding a lit M80 at one point or another. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, dude." 
While holding something within the palm of your hand, you may ignore [level]d6 worth of damage caused by it. 

9. Penetrating Strike (4/level) 
"Sometimes, like, a dude's wearing too much, and your blows just aren't hurting them, right? Then, like, you just got to hit harder to get through the armor, you know?" 
Ignores [level] worth of a targets DR, representing you punching harder. 

10. Killing Hands (3/level) 
"My hands are, like, lethal weapons, bro. Totally got to register them at the court house."  
For every [level] you invest, your unarmed damage becomes lethal and moves up the chain by one. Remember, unarmed damage starts at d4 and is nonlethal. (d4>d6>d8>d10>d12>d20) 

11. Pain Relief (4/level) 
"Sometimes, you'll be, like, too hung over or your buddy will be, like, too shot to continue, but you gotta just push through the pain, dude. Wait, no, you gotta PUNCH through the pain, man, totally."
Through focusing your vibe, you're able to heal your targets. Through punching. You restore [level]d6 points of HP to a target for 30 minutes. Counts as magical healing. (Reminder: Targets can only be effected by magical healing once per sun across the horizon.) 

12. Chaotic Punch (5/level) 
"One time, there was this Halloween party, and I was macking on this chick, right? Totally into me. Then this nerd in a top hat and cape came up and start talking to her. Like, bro? C'mon, dude. I don't care if your her boyfriend. Anyway, I said 'never again', you know, bro?"
A successful unarmed attack disrupts a casters magical energies, bestowing [level] extra dice onto the magic user's casting. These dice are only rolled to determine Mishaps and Dooms. Effects last for a scene or until the Magic User takes a round to make a Save to recenter themselves. Levels are considered "locked" until the effect ends.

* That's right. Todd Forrester's favorite movie is Highlander 2. He's THAT kind of person.