
The original intent for the setting description was to work west around the world, just to keep it orderly. Ennui and has decided I'll jump ahead a few time zones. Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsFor stretch of time, things were looking rough for the USSR, having grown stagnant in Stalin's state...
On Halflings, Goblins, and Raccoons

On Halflings, Goblins, and Raccoons

 In the last post, I offered an encountered posed as a question:24. What if Hydras, but with Hobbits?And that got me wondering: What IF hydras, but with hobbits? Well, the answer seems pretty clear: Goblins. "What? That makes no sense, you drunkard." I hear you say; to which I retort: 1) Ouch. Rude. Jesus. and 2) I can show my work. I just gotta do a little information dump to get you...