Martial Artist

 Everyone's got their own Monk class; this one is mine. I've been toying with using different parts of the character sheet for different purposes, other than what they were intended for. It's all been theoretical, but this one seems to have legs, and uses Inventory slots to augment abilities. There was also a Ghost who used their Legendarium to attack; but this ain't that. While I know...
Witch Hunting Duck

Witch Hunting Duck

 It's too late. The witch hunters are in town and have your scent. I'm so sorry. It's too late.Look out!Witch Hunting DuckStarting Equipment: Tiny trench coat, tiny hat, tiny Witch Hunter badgeStarting Skills: 1) Diving 2) Puddling 3) Hunting+1 HP per template. A. Duck, Sense MagicB....

1d78 Imp Names

 Sometimes, imps have names. Other times, imps need naming. That's where this here list comes in. The generator is a tarot deck...if that ain't obvious at first glance. Mine Imps Are Named ThusCups1. Ilemauzer2. Pyewackett3. Jarmara4. Vinegar Tom5. Griezzell Greedyguts6. Pecke in the Crowne7. Sacke & Sugar8. Howes9. Holt10. Without the Light of Mythras You Are LostPg. Tequila GreeneKn....

d66 Books to Find in a Dungeon

Why?Why not?Titles and subtitles are in bold, descriptions (if applicable) are not. 11. Delver's Delights: 101 delicious recipes for the desperate or devilish pallet, ranging from cannibalism to veganism.2. Smells of the Underground: Methods for detecting poisonous gases by smell alone.3. Gem Collector's Field Guide4. The Handmaid's Ankles and Other Lusty Imprints: A collection of imprints made...
Shadowrun, but GLoG

Shadowrun, but GLoG

It's that time of year, again, where I reread Neuromancer. Which means I'm back on my shit. I started this months ago and originally intended it to be a Shadowrun mod for CyberGLoG, however, in delaying, I have missed goblinization day. Would've been perfect. But it's gone now, so forget it. Instead...
Lair of the Wyrm

Lair of the Wyrm

 It's a tale as old as time: species rises out of the primordial goo, species becomes the predominant lifeform on the planet, species discovers the power of the atom, species destroys itself with said power of the atom, mutant survivors of the species discover unexploded bomb and begins to worship...
Well of the BIG STOMPa

Well of the BIG STOMPa

 Are you in the need of a one page dungeon to fill a gap in a campaign? Something short and simple to take up a session? Got players dumb enough to climb down a well?Then I got a little something for you:Well of the BIG STOMPaThe situation is simple - whatever crummy little town you're nearest...

Spell Wall

Wizards and magic. It was only a matter of time before some jerk weaponized them into War Mages. Then it was only time before someone countered the War Mages. That's where the Spell Wall comes in: shield fighters trained to redirect enemy caster's magics and use it to bolster their own abilities. Requires an equipment endurance system to keep on the level. What'll be made to counter...
Rat Master Redux

Rat Master Redux

 I'm in the process of setting up a generic fantasy game using the GLoG for some friends, most of whom are new to the TTRPG scene. One of which wants to play a Rat Master. Not a problem, I love that class, however the trouble lies in that it's not exactly a GLoG class, as it's laid out over a span...