Elven Hacker

While the True Elves sing the physical world into existence, your ancestors lost that ability when they descended into this world. You though, with research, practice, and a little luck, have found a way to mimic the lost ability - but for the digital domain. While you’re referred to as a “Hacker,” you don’t really know technology any better than the average nobody. You don’t really need to,...
Werberth: A Miserable Little Setting

Werberth: A Miserable Little Setting

 When it comes to projects, I got three major hurtles: starting, doing, and finishing. Indecision, you see. Wracked with it. Anyway, I made a map. Filled it full of random features, random place names. Really making it up as I went, grabbing words out of a thesaurus as I went, all in an attempt...