Hacking and Programming

I sat down to file some serial numbers off of a set of hacking rules for CyberGLoG and ended up with both Hacking AND Programming rules. Before I set into that though, a few things have changed, terminology wise in CyberGLoG (I really need a better name), namely those who were Hackers who used Programs are now Console Jockeys using Wares. Console Jockey - A Combat Programmer who uses a CyberDeck...

The Eye of Monoc

I wrote an adventure and slapped it on Itch because Google's analytics have failed me. Give it a look and leave feedback. Or don't, I guess. It'd be really cool of you if you would though.  The Eye of MonocThe people of Garrigill have a slight cultist problem… Namely, the group that has taken to camping around the ancient hilltop site used by the worshippers of Monoc, god of Knowledge...