Why 20XX?

With the new year, I'm starting to go back through a few pieces that never got finished for one reason or another. This one was generated during a slow period in working on Some Weird Sin, when the dystopian parts of cyberpunk were starting to weigh on me, and I used this as a distraction to drag some whimsy back into my work. My material was starting to sound more like Oddko, when what I want...


 I originally wrote the Martial Artist with the intention of adapting Shadowrun's Adept for GoblinBright. However, I didn't immediately do it, and forgot. Classic Wayspell. In moving over the GoblinBright material to the SRD I realized this oversight, so here (a year later) I set to fixing it. Also, the numbers are still getting wiggled on the original template. Originally, a template...