Monday, January 14, 2019


So, Josh over at Rise Up Comis has been conned into very generously offered to run a game using these CyberGLoG rule set. To which end he notes the need for an equipment list, which brings us to this post. Who's ready for another list of things?

Prices are listed in NeuvoYen (Y), as it's one of the only remaining stable currencies. It's also one of the last paper currency left. The dollar isn't worth the paper it's printed on, and is still only accepted in the most of the Midwestern Micronations. The eastern US and Western Europe use a credit chip like currency, while Eastern Europe mostly uses bullets and alcohol. Lot of places use BitCoin. And there's always Company Script. But all this is fake, adjust the prices as you wish, tough guy.

"Wait, so how do I get these?" Fair question. The system is set up to give you starting items based on your past career and class, in addition to a standard set of starting equipment. You gotta use this equipment you have to make money, then find a dealer.

For the current players: I don't know what Josh is having us do, as we're gonna already be established in the one shot. Hassle him.

And yes, I know, a lot of this equipment only does one dedicated function. That's to avoid fiddliness. To keep it simple. I've an idea for upgrade slots, but 1) it's far from stream lined and 2) Shadowrun has shown there's no reason not to have ALL the upgrades. So what's the point? You want all the abilities, you're gonna have to make room in your inventory.

Inventory Slots and Encumbrance

Inventory slots and encumbrance work exactly as they do in the base system. You've a number of Inventory slots equal to your Strength + 2. Most items take up one slot, though two-handed weapons take up two. Armor takes up a number of slots equal to it's Defense bonus. Negligible items take up none, nor do coins and gems, should you encounter those antiques in this digital age.

You gain 1 Encumbrance point for every Inventory slot over your capacity. Armor too causes encumbrance at a rate of one point of Encumbrance per Defense point over 3. (Defense 4 provides 1 Encumbrance point, Defense 5 provides 2, etc)

Starting Equipment

Starting characters are assumed to at least have the following:

  1. Commlink
  2. Credit Chip
  3. "Enough" ammo for starting weapons
  4. Lower class living space 
  5. And a random item from your last career


Weapons typically come in three sizes (Light, Medium, and Heavy) across two categories (Melee and Ranged).

Light Melee would be your daggers, stun batons, electro-brass knuckles. They do 1d4+Str damage and take up a single Inventory slot. They typically cost Y100.
Medium Melee would be your sword canes, rapiers, police batons. They do 1d6+Str damage and take up a single Inventory slot. If wielded with two hands, they do 1d8+Str damage. They typically cost Y400.
Heavy Melee would be your great swords, chainsaws, jaws-of-life. They do 1d10+Str and must be wielded with two hands. They take up two Inventory slots, and typically cost Y650.

Light Range would be your hold out pistols and stun guns. They do 1d4+Dex damage and take up a single Inventory slot. They typically cost Y150.
Medium Range weapons come in two forms: pistols (revolvers, machine pistols) and rifles (AK47, M16). Pistols do 1d6+Dex damage, take up a single Inventory slot, and allow for a free hand. Rifles do 1d8+Dex damage, take up two inventory slots, and need two hands to wield. They typically cost Y350 for pistols, Y600 for rifles.
Heavy Range weapons would be your miniguns, flame throwers, and sniper rifles. They do 1d10+Dex damage, take up two inventory slots and require both hands to use. They typically cost Y1500

This doesn't account for a third category, NewTech, which would be your lasers, sonic rifles, and anything weird or high scifi laying about. My suggestion is these should be rare and treated as magic items are in other games.

Grenades are technically ranged, and do 1d6 damage to everyone in a 20 foot radius. Flashbangs, on the other hand, force you to save vs blindness within the radius. They both cost you Y150 each.


Armor as well is divided into three sizes (Light, Medium, Heavy).

Light Armor would be your leather jackets, gambeson, or impact mesh. They provide a Defense bonus of 2, and typically cost Y200.
Medium armor would be kevlar vests, flack jackets, or those chainsaw safety pants things. They provide a Defense bonus of 4, and typically cost Y500.
Heavy armor is standard riot gear - kevlar over chainmail, interwoven with impact mesh. They provide a Defense of 6 and will run you a hefty Y1100.

And again, there's the NewTech. Here is where we get the power suits and electron shields. Good for big bads and McGuffins for stealing.

Riot Shields will run you Y1200 , take up a free hand, and provide standard shield bonus.


Okay, alright, here starts the list. I can stay focused. Name, price, brief description. Items take up one slot, unless otherwise noted.

Breaking and Entering

Autopicker (Y1000) - A gun shaped device that fits a pair of lockpick in the "muzzle" and used by pulling the trigger. Adds +1 to lock picking attempts against mechanical locks.

Explosive Breaching Charges (Y250) - For when everything else in this section fails. Consumed on use.

Lockpicks (Y200) - Required for the use of the lockpick skill against mechanical locks.

Sequencer (Y250) - RNG add-on for a Skeleton passkey. Generates random combinations to attempt to force an electronic lock. Adds +1 to lockpicking against electronic locks.

Skeleton passkey (Y2000) - Blank keycard wired to a small handheld terminal. Required for lockpicking against an electronic lock.


Chemical Analyzer (Y700) - A briefcase sized laboratory used to analyze unknown chemical samples. If sample is not found within the on-board databases, it will return a compound most similar.

Dissection Kit (Y250) - Used for field surgery. And field dissection.

First-Aid Kit (Y50) - Required for First Aid skill usage. Consumed on use.

Medical Scanner (Y350) - Injects nanobots into the patient to provide medical condition readouts to the hand held remote. Provides +1 on First Aid usage. Nanobots are Y50 a dose, are consumed on usage, and eventually are absorbed safely by the host body.

Trama Patches (Y40) - Adhesive dermal patches (often called "slap patches" due to how they're applied) that are soaked in various pain medications and coagulators that get absorbed into the skin. Temporarily (about an hour) restores 1d4 hit points. Consumed on use.

Surveillance and Countermeasures

Binoculars (Y50) - You know what these are. Don't fight me on this.

Bug Scanner (Y500) - Scans local signals for known recording device (audio and video) signatures. Devices must save to remain hidden.

Hand Radio (Y500) - Antiquated technology that uses radio waves for communication. Your grandpa called them "Walkie Talkies" for some reason. Comes with ear piece and throat mic for an additional Y100.

Laser Microphone (Y600) - Measures the vibration of a smooth surface from up to 500 yards and translates to audio data. Immune to White Noise.

Nightvision goggles (Y800) - Generates a false light, green tinted image of the world around you, out to 100 feet, allowing you to effectively see in the dark. Inflicts a -4 to saves vs bright lights while using.

Signal Jammer (Y500) - Illegal. Blocks all signals within a 200' radius.

Vampire Data Tap (Y300) - A small clamp device with plural spikes on the inside used for physically tapping into network cables.

White Noise Generator (Y300) - Good for providing white noise to ease your tinnitus so you can sleep at night. Sucks, doesn't it? Oh how I regret the choices of my youth and long for the sound of true silence. Anyway, through turning the volume all the way up, this can also be used to generate background noise to throw off any audio recording devices.

Personal Entertainment

AR Goggle (Y750) - Allows for viewing of cyberspace over the physical world. 

Bag of Drugs (starting only) - 3 doses of your brand of drugs. Drug rules ain't written yet. Time for some rulings.

Commlink (Y1000) - Life in 20XX is built around these. They act as modern cell phones, data chip readers, cameras, audio recorder, audio player, AM/FM radio, PAN hub controller, digital assistant and much more. All this in a convenient 11"x8"x1" case! Buy yours now, and be sure to pick up the latest attachments today! (Commlink accessories are typically compatable with cyberdecks.)

Credit Chip (Y5) - Like a digital wallet and debit card. Law abiding citizens will note the convenience it provides. Your sort of people will note the "eggs in one basket" feature of it.

Gargoyle Suit (Y1500) - A body suit loaded with communication equipment and transmitters for more detailed interaction within cyberspace. Typically used for video games, special batons allow for melee attacks within  All active Face abilities cease to function while wearing this. You big nerd.

Neural Brainwave Editor (Y800) - An electrode system used to alter the user's brainwaves to a desired emotion, typically used for sleep induction. Called a "vizzy" by the same sort of people that refer to a neck based commlink as an "uvvy", cyberstoners typically rewire the unit to generate feedback, allowing for a software based high.

Stereoconversion Goggles (Y500) - Converts viewed 2D image to 3D. Popular among the spraypaint tagging crowd.


Breathing Mask (Y300) - A standard mask covering user's nose and mouth, with dual replaceable filters. Popular with Sprawl and Singapore city dwellers. Gives +2 for saves against gas. More chic versions allow for fresh air plug-ins, for the occasional treat of clean air.

Crowbar (Y50) - Or "prybar" for the anticorvites. Provides +2 on strength based attempts at prying something open.

Cutting Torch (Y250) - Hand held touch powered by oxy/acetalyne gas in replaceable fuel tank. Often used for cutting through metal. Replacement tanks are Y80.

Electronics Kit (Y250) - Used in and needed for repairing electronics.

Flashlight (Y25) - I shouldn't have to explain this one either.

Glowpaint (Y25/sq ft) - Glow-in-the-dark paint that gives off a soft glow. Good for locating the covered object in the dark, poor for seeing by.

Glowstick (Y10) - Six inch plastic tube chemical light. Crack and shake to activate. Provides soft light for 6 hours that's bright enough to read by.

Glowtape (Y25/yard) - Like Glowpaint, but in tape form.

Glue sprayer (Y150) - Mini aerosol canister of industrial strength super glow. Contains a single usage, which is enough to cover three square feet (such as gluing a door shut). Add a -2 penalty to any attempts at separating the bound items.

Glue solvent (Y90) - Mini aerosol opposite of the Glue Sprayer. Needed to counteract the penalty.

Protective Goggles (Y200) - Photosensitive protective eyewear, typically used by welders. Provides +2 to saves vs light.

Repair Kits (Y500) - Typically used for various repair jobs, kits come specific to the task at hand. Electronics kit is used to repair electronics, gunsmith kit is used in repairing guns, mechanics tool kit is used for mechanical repairs. Required to use those skills. Takes two slots.

Rope (Y20/yard) - Nylon rope with interwoven carbon fiber. Can hold about 2,000 lbs.

Spray Paint (Y20) - Comes in various colors and covers roughly 25 square feet of surface area.

Tech Diagnostical Tool (Y250) - Handheld computer (wrist mounted versions available) with diagnostic programs, electronic probes, and schematic databases. Gives a +1 situational bonus to computer device repair skills.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

1d100 Failed Cyberpunk Careers

What follows is a list of 1d100 failed careers. It's intended for GLoG.dat usage, but I suppose any weird cyberpunk setting would work for it. Per standard GLoG rules, on the left is your old career, which starts as a level 1 skill, and on the right is the item you managed to walk off with as you left your old job.

Special thanks to Josh at Rise Up, Comis, and Mr. Hughes, cyberpunk guidance counselor at Android High School for helping me in rounding out the list.

CareerStarting Item
1Algae Cuisine Chef3 cudes of dehydrated food grade algae
2Algae Tank Sluice OperatorWaist-high wellies
3Android repair manElectronic repair kit
4Android-Pop star managerEarplugs
5Apocalyptic street preacherHollowed out bible
6Art DealerAI made collage box
7Asteroid minerFrequency resonator
8Astrodock laborerMagnetic boots
9BartenderExpensive bottle of top-shelf hooch
10BiochemistVial of hormones
11Black marketeer of SQUID discs3 recorded SQUID discs
12Bootleg Animal DealerA small, living (but artificial) animal
13Buddhist monkBegging bowl
14BureaucratBulletproof clipboard
15Calorie manHand crank generator
16Cashier at opium den fast food restaurant3 doses of opium
17Chatbot BackendList of chatbot system passwords
18Cheetah Blood DrainerCollar with Tap
19CIA InformantBag of drugs
20Cirque de Solei performer50ft of silk
21Clone DecanterSqueegee, rubber gloves
22Corporate DroneID Card; Stapler
23Corporate GeomancerGeomancy tool
24CosmonautTattoos of Lennon and Putin over heart; Old space suit
25CounterfeiterFake Traveling papers or license
26CourierMysterious package
27Cyber Zen GuruRecurrent wired vizzy
28Data CourierCranium drive augment
29Data Security2 casettes
31DIY PharmacistVial of strange drugs
32Drug MuleBag of drugs
33Environmental ministry inspectorBreathing mask
34Experimental MoonshinerJar of high proof alcohol
35Feng Shui ConsultantFeng Shui compass
36Forklift Mech Construction WorkerHard hat
37Furry CultAnimal canine teeth implants (1d6 bite attack)
38Gene-ripper2 doses of CustomGenes(tm)
39Genetically-modified cat exterminatorHiku brand cat-trap, slightly stained
40Genetically-modified elephant handlerPain inducer remote and collar
41GunsmithWeapon repair kit
42Handsome Weeping Boy (Ikemeso Danshi)Fine silk suit
43Hemp FarmerBag of marijuana
44Hinterland SurrogateBag of drugs
45Hologram ArtistStereoconversion goggles
46Horse HistorianBag of horse bones
47HyperPolo PlayerPolo Motorcycle
48Implant repoDissection kit
49J-Pop star BodyguardEarplugs
50JailbreakerElectronics repair kit
51Jeffrey's Tube EngineerMechanics tool kit
52KGB Operative1 dose of poison with umbrella for delivery, tattoo of Lennon and Putin
54Lunar MinerLunar pickax
55MachinistTool kit
56Mafia Family MemberPasscard to a penthouse
57Mall SantaWine stained fake beard
58Merchant marineShipping Charts
59Meth cookBag of drugs
60Muay thai competitorGlass laced knuckle-wraps
61Nail salon slavePain inducer remote and collar
62Nuclear Physicist Slightly glowing rod
63Oil Rig WorkerHard hat
64Organ HarvesterDissection kit
65Organ IncubatorOne extra organ of your choice
66Orphan catcherHand cuffs
67PanzerboyIgnition key to a burnt-out tank somewhere
68ParamedicFirst aid kit
69Parkour CompetitorClimbing gloves
70Patent Classifier-1 will to live; 3 stolen patent data discs
71PimpLittle black book
72Pizza DeliveryShitty car
73PornographerHolodisk of Android pornography
74Professional ApologiserAuto-Tear-duct augment
75Prostitute (the oldest profession)Disease resistant patches
76Ramen Cook3 packs of expensive ramen
77Rastafarian Bag of weed
78Renraku prostituteStill installed "cutout switch"
79Rent-a-copSecurity uniform
80Rickshaw DriverRickshaw
81Ringleader for traveling Android CircusTop hat with PA system
82Rock StarElectronic instrument
83Salary manCorporate hand book (full of oaths, company songs, and standard practices)
84security consultantRemote motion sensor
85SimLife starSense-record unit
86SimLife star impersonatorFake sense-record unit
87Smack supplier for dolphinsHeroin kit (drug, lighter, spoon, needle)
88Solar balloon squatterElectronic repair kit
89SQUID recorderSQUID magnetometer
90Street surgeonBottle of high proof alcohol
91Student3 textbooks; crippling debt
92Surrogate mother to clone babiesThird breast augmentation
93TacoCopter SpecialistMini UAV
94Tong enforcerChinese cigarettes, length of chain
95Trade magnateMysterious package
96Transit system workerLifetime pass
97Visigoth gang memberFine Gothic clothing
98Yakuza enforcer-1 pinky finger; body tattoo; Fashionable clothes
99Yoga Instructor to the StarsDisc full of celebraty secrets
100Zef RapperFine Silk boxers, Zef Curse