Wednesday, July 10, 2019


That thing I did with weapons? Doing it with Armor. End of intro.

Actually, a note: In the listed features the obvious option of "bulletproof" ain't present. That's namely because without that feature the armor really isn't armor, is it?


  • Light Armor - 1 feature
  • Medium Armor - 2 features
  • Heavy Armor - 3 features


  • Active Camouflage - Microcameras transmit images to micromonitors on the opposite side of the armor, making the wearer harder to see. +2 to stealth
  • AR Broadcasting - Transmit customizable images and/or messages detectable in augmented reality.
  • Cheap - This armor is of poor construction and/or shoddy material. Only has one endurance point, leaving it to break on a critical failure/success during a Defense check. Critical failure range is increased by one (20 becomes 19-20). Critical success decreases by one (1-2 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0). On the upside, it's much cheaper.
  • Drag Handle - Sure, it seems silly, until your buddy has to figure out how to move your broken body and shot at attackers at the same time. Allows you to be moved without taking up inventory slots via a free hand
  • Grapple Protection - From spikes to strips of electrical plating, the armor offers protection from being grappled. Anyone sustaining a grapple receives damage based on size (light d4, medium d6, heavy d8)
  • Heavy - Adds an additional encumbrance point to the armor.
  • High Quality - The item is of masterful construction and of premium material. Might even have an ornate design carved into it. Has 5 equipment condition checks. Critical failure range is reduced by 1. Critical success range is increased by 1. You're gonna drop some serious nuevoYen on it, however.
  • Injector - Stores one dose of chemical and allows for injection without a free hand. 
  • Insulation [Cold] - The armor is specially adapted to protect against a certain type of damage. Damage by that type is reduced by 2. Look at me, padding the list. I'll probably just copy/paste as well.
  • Insulation [Electric] - The armor is specially adapted to protect against a certain type of damage. Damage by that type is reduced by 2. Look at me, padding the list. I'll probably just copy/paste as well.
  • Insulation [Fire] - The armor is specially adapted to protect against a certain type of damage. Damage by that type is reduced by 2. Look at me, padding the list. I'll probably just copy/paste as well.
  • Insulation [Radiation] - The armor is specially adapted to protect against a certain type of damage. Damage by that type is reduced by 2. Look at me, padding the list. I'll probably just copy/paste as well.
  • Kinetic Dampening - Be it reinforced ceramic plates, rubberized polycarbon chainmail laced within the armor, or some third gibberish phrase of impressive sounding words, the armor has enhanced ability to absorb impact damage. The FIRST time you would receive kinetic damage (even as little as 1 point) ignore it. This feature will need to be repaired after usage. 
  • Life Monitor - Monitors the wearers health and projects measurements into AR. Gives tool bonus to medic trying to apply their trade to the wearer.
  • Light - Imposes one less encumbrance point than usual.
  • Quick Access - Allows one inventory slot to be used as an additional quick inventory slot

It took you a month to write this?
Naw, I've just things to do, man. You know the drill.

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