Sunday, January 24, 2021

Spell Wall

Wizards and magic. It was only a matter of time before some jerk weaponized them into War Mages. 

Then it was only time before someone countered the War Mages. That's where the Spell Wall comes in: shield fighters trained to redirect enemy caster's magics and use it to bolster their own abilities. 

Requires an equipment endurance system to keep on the level. 

What'll be made to counter these? Something terrible I bet. Arms races always are; you start off with a pointy stick and end up with cyborg-tarrasque. 

Spell Wall

 Every template you take gives you a +1 to Shield Endurance. 

Starting Equipment: Standard Shield, 3 blank scrolls or 1 active scroll, shield repair kit
Starting Skills: 1) Magic Lore; 2) Military History; 3) Blacksmithing

A. Field Repair, Magic Absorbing, Magic Channeling
B. Nemo's Ingenuity 
C. Hold the Line, Magic Eater
D. Vomito Magicae

Field Repair
Once per day, during a short rest or lunch, you're able to restore the condition of your shield, should you have a repair kit at hand. This is opposed to only during a long rest. 

Magic Absorbing
While you don't generate magical energies yourself, you've learned to absorb energies directed against you. When holding your shield in hand, you can absorb and store 1 MD per Shield Wall template, until used. To do this, Save vs Spell (even if the spell typically doesn't offer a Save) - on a failure you suffer the spell normally. On a success, the spell carries out as normal, however you get to choose the dice being absorbed. Dice showing 1-3 do 1 endurance damage to your shield; 4-6 do 2 endurance damage. MD absorbed in this way do not return to the caster's pool until it naturally refills.  

Magic Channeling
Now that you've contained the spell, what are you gonna do with it? You've got a couple of choices: 1) Use it to boost your Save Vs Magic 2) Channel it into a blank scroll when you have a safe moment to concentrate

Nemo's Ingenuity
"I jus' 'acked i' on 'here, didn' I?"
Your shield hand now counts as "free" for the purposes of using a scroll. Because you've tacked it on there. With a tack. Wizards cower at your arcane prowess. The scroll is still consumed upon casting. 

Also, you can now immediately channel a spell into a blank scroll on the back of your shield. 

Hold the Line
You've formed a unique bond with your shield and, let's be honest, it's gonna take a lot of punishment in your line of work. To counter that, you're now able to channel the magic in your head into your shield in order to repair endurance checks at a 1:1 MD cost.

Additionally, when you channel MD to boost your Save vs Magic, you do so for people in 10' radius around you. 

Magic Eater
When things are proving difficult, you can consume a scroll via your mouth, with your teeth, to gain a magic di. 

Vomito Magicae
Again, you're no wizard: your control over these spells in your head is tedious at best. Sometimes it's best to let them out. As an interrupt action, while a caster is casting, you may release any number of stored MD you have in your head. These are rolled in conjunction with the caster's and count in terms of double/triples/quads. 

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