Monday, December 13, 2021

Martial Artist

 Everyone's got their own Monk class; this one is mine. 

I've been toying with using different parts of the character sheet for different purposes, other than what they were intended for. It's all been theoretical, but this one seems to have legs, and uses Inventory slots to augment abilities. There was also a Ghost who used their Legendarium to attack; but this ain't that. 

While I know there is some difference between them, I'm gonna be using "style" and "school" interchangeably. Because I keep forgetting. I am very tired. 

Martial Artist

Starting Equipment: a towel, 2 rations
Starting Skills: 1) First Aid, 2) Athletics, 3) 

A. Fighting Styles and Moves
B. +2 Moves
C. +2 Moves
D. +2 Moves

Fighting Styles and Moves

You're a fightman from fightland. Through training you've learned a fighting type and a couple of moves from the school. Select a school (listed below) and gain access to that list of Moves. You start with the ability to learn (from a teacher or manual) the first 6 Moves, and gain access to the rest of the list the more you master your school (take templates), as listed here:

  • Template A - First 6 Moves 
  • Template B - First 8 Moves 
  • Template C - First 10 Moves
  • Template D - All 12 Moves
If the Template A is your First Template, you begin with two Moves. 

Every Template taken after A, gain 2 additional Moves for free, chosen by roll. 

New Item: Fight Moves

Should probably rename this to something cooler. Maneuvers? Yeah, probably should. I won't, but should. Either way, this technically ain't an item, but as each Move requires a certain amount of flexibility, each one takes up an amount of inventory spaces, noted as the cost. With moves equipped, any Inventory Slot usage that would cause Encumbrance would first take up a slot reserved by the Move, thus unequipping the Move.  

While each Move pertains to a certain style, they can be learned by anyone willing to take the time to learn them. Martial Artists, however, receive a discount of 1 per template to the cost of the move, to a minimum  cost of 1. Moves within the original style receive and additional 1 discount. Anyone can learn, but Martial Artists get them for super cheap. 

Switching out moves from your inventory is a simple matter of performing a routine of exercises in the early morning. Much like the wizard nerds prep their spells. 

If the Move mentions a Target, it is an attack and is resolved normally, with the effect of the Move replacing damage. It can be performed up to Templates time per scene, unless otherwise noted. 

Costs are based on a 20 slot inventory standard. If you're using a system based off a stat, adjust the numbers a bit. If you're going off weight...I don't know what to tell you. Multiply by 10lbs, maybe? 

The numbers are janked and "seemed right at the time." Play testing is likely to prove otherwise, but the idea is there and usable. 

Abbreviations Used

[Cost] - Base cost, before discounts are applied.

[Add] - Additional slots voluntarily taken up past the cost. You may volunteer slots up to your level. 

[Total] - Total slots taken up (cost + additional).

1. Name of the Move - Cost

Styles and Moves

Style: Earth and Heaven
Pilfered, nearly word for word, from Rise Up

1. Grasping Rat Method - 10
While in this form, every time you're the target of a missile attack and reduce damage by [add]. If reduced to 0, you also catch the missile.
2. Throw the Ox-Cart - 9
Target is knocked back [total] x 5 feet in a direction of your choice. If the target comes into contact with a solid surface, they smash through it and take [add]d4 damage.
3. Laughing Tiger - 12
Your unarmed attacks are increased to light melee. You can cut ropes and shit with your attacks, as your empty hands are considered weapons. For every 3 [add] your hands count as +1 weapons.
4. Wary Rabbit Attitude - 11
While in this form, you always succeed initiative checks. For 2 [add] while taking this form, you are also never surprised during an ambush.
5. Ascending Dragon Prana - 12
Attacked target is knocked prone. They must spend a turn to stand up. You heal [add] HP.
6. Constricting Snake - 11
You wrap your Target in an elongated object:, scarf, prayer beads, etc. The target is grappled for 1d6 rounds, but your hands remain free. If the victim spends a turn untangling themselves, they may attempt a Save to recover from this effect.
7. Runaway Horse, Crazy Kicking - 14
Target of [add] or less HD has a limb disabled by this attack. Disabled arms cannot wield weapons or carry shields. Each disabled leg gives a -6 penalty to the target's Movement. 
8. Monkey Drunk on Fermented Peaches - 12
While in this form, you may move 5 feet per [add] as a free action during your turn. When you suffer effects that would move you, you may choose which direction you move. Lastly, you may rise from prone as a free action.
9. Rooster's Crow Brings the Dawn - 9
The target is knocked prone. They must spend a turn to stand up. You immediately learn the target's total and current HP. You immediately have a sense of what templates the target has. If the target has Martial Artist templates, you learn what school they are in.
For 3 [add] you also learn any resistances and vulnerabilities the target might possess. 
10. Dog Whipping Stick - 8
Target's breath is knocked out of them. They cannot speak and suffer a penalty to Attack and Defense equal to [add]. If the victim spends a turn resting, they may attempt a Save to recover from this effect.
11. Stubborn Boar's Defense - 15
You gain damage resistance equal to [add]
12. Charging Goat Kick - 15
You deal [total] damage to the target, who begins bleeding. For [add] rounds, the target suffers a 2d4 damage at the beginning of their turn. If the victim spends a turn resting, they may attempt a Save to recover from this effect.

Style: Seven Holy Winds
Seven Holy Winds
Watch as I soar like a leaf
Untouchable. Yep.

1. Flowing Dodge - 8
While unarmored gain [total/2] to Defense. 
2. Elusive Target - 10
Add +1 to Defense for every enemy flanking you. 
3. Mobility - 8
Gain +2 to Defense if you've moved this round
4. Redirect - 7
Spend a Conviction point to channel an attack against you to an adjacent target. 
5. Unbalancing Counter - 8
[Add] times per scene, melee attacks against you render the attacker flat-footed. 
6. Dust in the Wind - 10
Every time you're the target of a missile attack and reduce damage by [add]. If reduced to 0, you also catch the missile.
7. Skyward Carp - 10
Gain a bonus of [add] to Movement for the purposes of jumping. 
8. Shifting Winds of Chaos - 7 
Spend a Conviction to knock a spell back at the caster. 
9. Nimble Moves - 12
As long as you start and end your movement on solid ground you can move across surfaces too soft, fragile, or thin to hold you, with ease. 
10.Agile Maneuvers - 8
Gain [add] bonus when performing Combat Maneuver checks 
11. Wind Plucks the Fruit - 10
Targets of your melee attacks are forced to Save vs Disarm or be...uh, disarmed. 
12. The Building Storm - 15
Upon a successful attack, add +1 to damage. This bonus damage stacks with previous bonus damage from this Move, and all bonuses are lost should you not attack or miss in a round.  

Style: Berserker
A warrior of rage and brutality that pops mushrooms like candy. All moves require the consumption of fly agaric mushrooms, suffering the effects as normal. 

1. Berzerkergang - 9
While on mushrooms, for [add] rounds, you enter a holy fury. Gain +3 to Attack, +2 to Damage, and lose 4 Defense. In this state you lose the ability to make tactical decisions any more complicated than "hit it until it dies." 
2. Bear Shirted Champion - 10
When wearing a bear pelt, you gain +[add] to your Damage.
3. Battle Swine - 10
When wearing a boar pelt, you gain +[add] to your Defense.
4. Wolf Coat - 10
When wearing a wolf pelt, gain an extra attack per round.  
5. Charge - 11
Move your full Movement in a straight line. Anyone you come in contact with must Save with a penalty of [add] or be knocked on their ass prone. 
6. Battle Cry - 9
By giving a mighty war cry (at the table, c'mon, let's hear it) you force enemies to make a Moral check with a penalty of [add]. 
7. Battle Intoxication - 12
Gain +[add] to Save vs Mind alter effects
8. Effektnummer - 12
When first entering Berzerkergang gain [add]d4 temporary HP, which disappear at the end of Berzerkergang. Can take you above max HP. 
9. Warrior's Madness - 10
Felling an enemy restores [add] HP. 
10. Kraki's Champion - 13
When in Berzerkergang, you are immune to fire and iron. 
11. Immune to poison - 10
Poison does not effect you while in Berzerkergang. 
12. Shield Biter - 8
Sunder a shield to restore 1d6+[add] HP

Style: Pugilist
A bare knuckle brawler who loves the Sweet Science. All Moves must be performed empty handed. 

1. Sand Puncher - 8
Your unarmed attack damage moves up a dice size. (d2>d4>d6, etc) 
2. Float Like a Butterfly - 10
You gain [add] to your Defense
3. Sting Like a Bee - 10
You gain [add] to your attack damage
4. Combo Set Up - 8
[Template] times per scene, target must Save or roll with disadvantage for [add] rounds. 
5. Clinch - 10
While target is disadvantaged, performing a successful Grapple restores [add] HP
6. Rabbit-Punch - 10
Attacking while the Target is unaware of you does max damage. 
7. Leonov's Thief - 10
If target is defeated by you while under disadvantage, reroll Reaction with [add] bonus
8. Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov - 12
While Target is disadvantaged, your successful attacks do an addition [add] straight to the Target's armor. 
9. Irish Stand Down - 12
If you haven't moved this round +[add] damage to your attack. 
10. Harlequin Step - 14
While disadvantaged, if a Target fails an attack against you, make a free attack at +[add] damage and move 5 feet. 
11.Haymaker - 12
[Template] per scene, your Critical Success range triples, however your Critical Fail range doubles. 
12. Fibbing - 16
While a target is disadvantaged, gain +[add] attacks against them per round. 

Variant Idea: Turn Move lists into Skill trees with spendable points equal to Inventory slots used. This started as a stray thought, but the more I think on it the more it seems plausible. But also, I've already written everything out. So, update based on play testing in the future, I reckon. 

New Item: Training Manual
Teachers are good and all, but sometimes they're not available. A manual, be it a collection of word carvings or a scroll of precious artwork, allows for self teaching after a week of study, albeit requiring an intelligence check. 

Normally, training with a teacher doesn't require an intelligence check, as they surely answer any questions you have. I don't think I mentioned that anywhere. I should go back and add it in, but we've already come this far, and it's all the way up there. So instead, I'm end it...right here. 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Witch Hunting Duck


It's too late. 

The witch hunters are in town and have your scent. 

I'm so sorry. 

It's too late.

Look out!

Witch Hunting Duck

Starting Equipment: Tiny trench coat, tiny hat, tiny Witch Hunter badge

Starting Skills: 1) Diving 2) Puddling 3) Hunting

+1 HP per template.

A. Duck, Sense Magic
B. Witch Hunter
C. Iron Quack
D. Magic Immunity

You are a duck, and all that that implies.

Sense Magic
You have a template-in-6 chance of detecting magic as a skill.

Witch Hunter
Your bite does an additional 1d6 to magic users.

Iron Quack
Your quacking carries the quality of iron, disrupting magic within range of hearing.

Magic Immunity
As a hunter of magic, you've grown immune to all forms. Including helpful.

Friday, November 26, 2021

1d78 Imp Names

 Sometimes, imps have names. Other times, imps need naming. That's where this here list comes in. 

The generator is a tarot deck...if that ain't obvious at first glance. 

Mine Imps Are Named Thus

1. Ilemauzer
2. Pyewackett
3. Jarmara
4. Vinegar Tom
5. Griezzell Greedyguts
6. Pecke in the Crowne
7. Sacke & Sugar
8. Howes
9. Holt
10. Without the Light of Mythras You Are Lost
Pg. Tequila Greene
Kn. Ignoble
Qn. Flytwynne
Kg. King of Fleas

1. Marqueenal
2. Muddy Boot
3. Vaajazzle
4. Creedence
5. La Puerta
6. Abatu
7. Mandragoras
8. Flereous
9. Cheddar
10. Succorbenoth
Pg. Zeernebooch
Kn. Forelorne
Qn. Sprockette
Kg. Iambic Pentameter

1. Flight of Fancy
2. Azzetha
3. Fynnegaine
4. Fillup Quinn
5. Pickles
6. Thrice Damned
7. Deare & Darling
8. Waegmund
9. Wiglaf
10. David
Pg. Zarynth
Kn. Divine Authority of the Church
Qn. Callath
Kg. Tobacco Red

1. Verdelet
2. Xaphan
3. Cry of the Crows
4. Banjo
5. Fennel 
6. Dozzle Boggyeye
7. Zaebos
8. Abdelmauze
9. Prince to Porcupines
10. Petracore 
Pg. Chorizo
Kn. Prithywinke
Qn. Pokett Shrymp
Kg. Tepid

Major Arcana
1. Rothka
2. Z
3. Glasseyed Dongle
4. Forgotten Abode
5. Kyzenth
6. Tlyne
7. Wordless Cries in the Night
8. Bacon & Eggies
9. Caskmyre
10. Friend of Want
11. Kyporth
12. Oyster
13. Abmoral
14. Thezal
15. Numb in the Hands
16. David 2
17. Reflections of a Wasted Youth
18. Terrorbyte
19. Farthmel
20. Fooshoole
21. Opossum in the Hen House

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

d66 Books to Find in a Dungeon


Why not?

Titles and subtitles are in bold, descriptions (if applicable) are not. 

1. Delver's Delights: 101 delicious recipes for the desperate or devilish pallet, ranging from cannibalism to veganism.
2. Smells of the Underground: Methods for detecting poisonous gases by smell alone.
3. Gem Collector's Field Guide
4. The Handmaid's Ankles and Other Lusty Imprints: A collection of imprints made from erotic wood engravings
5. A Beginner's Guide to Trap Finding: Found on a skeleton still caught within a trap
6. From Slave to Pirate Caliph: The Unlikely Life of Captain Tuberous Flynn

1. Tuberous Flynn and the Phantasmal Kraken: a fanatic's fiction
2. The Twelve Holy Geometries and the Singular Forbidden Shape
3. Orphans: the Under-Used Byproduct of Industrialization
4. Of Mimics and How to Find Them: The book is definitely a mimic
5. Fire Safety for Dummies: The book is partially singed
6. The Words of St Farious Unto the Emancipated Collectivists of Gren: A Mediation

1. Songs for the Underworld: A collection of spirit bolstering hymns to sing in the gloom of the underworld
2. Snakes, the True Messiahs
3. "S" or "F": a self guided practice for improving handwriting
4. Down Where the Stars Can't Find You: A Treatise
5. You Don't NEED That Part: A beginner's guide to emergency field chiurgeonry; 2nd printing, now with helpful diagrams
6. Barthwyn's Guide to Illeism

1. They're Not Your Party Member Anymore: Tips for handling the undead
2. Bugonia and Other Rituals: A collection of spontaneous generation recipes
3. The Cruelties of Eidos and Pneuma
4. The Heresies of Tannhauser
5. Physics and Other Superstitions
6. The Six Holy Sounds and How to Find Them in the Underworld

1. auream formidinem: Unsure what this is, but the images on the gold leaf pages sure are pretty in their movements
2. Katabasis: A Rule Book: Never been opened
3. Lichen Constellations: Navigation on an Underworld Sea
4. A Heretical History of Empires Past and Future
5. Flamingos: Fact or Fiction
6. Collected Works of the Poet-Kings: It's not great. 

1. A Pamphlet for an Anarch Werewolf commune
2. Number Witches: A Growing Concern
3. Cataphatic Theology and other Heresies
4. Ten Things Zegrem Hates: It only goes up to six
5. A Sinful Bible that escaped the burnings
6. Parchment covered in pictograms detailing the next few rooms

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Shadowrun, but GLoG

It's that time of year, again, where I reread Neuromancer. Which means I'm back on my shit. 

I started this months ago and originally intended it to be a Shadowrun mod for CyberGLoG, however, in delaying, I have missed goblinization day. Would've been perfect. But it's gone now, so forget it. Instead I'm switching to an even more popular setting: Bright. (Hell, I think I've now missed THAT date. I refuse to look.) 

Only thing is, I remember very little about the world (there's a walrus-man, maybe?) and I refuse to rewatch it. Also, most people bring some sort of baggage to any IP, no matter how close to the source material. So, as with most things in life, I'm making shit up. 

(Edit, Sept 28: Grimlucis has dubbed the setting "GoblinBright." This will be stolen in future usage.) 


In Shadowrun Bright, if you wanna play a metahuman (them's your demihumans), you gotta spend character creation points to pick up the metatype. Well, there ain't no points here. In the GLoG you're human unless you take another species template at level 1. Here's no different. Below is the Bane and Bonus gained from the racial Template A.

You may notice the flavoring is different here. That's 'cause the only difference between Human and Metatype in Shadowrun Bright is some stat bonuses and the occasional ability to see in the dark. Not exactly thrilling stuff. Yes, yes, in the grand scheme of the corporate machines we're all the same; human, elf, dwarf - all just drones to turn a profit for the CEOs. But there's also blood magic, and Chicago has been nuked, so you might as well spruce things up a bit.

Though, if you want to use the ability bonuses and boring sight modifiers, I can't stop you. Only judge.


You're a member of a lesser Physical offshoot of the race that constantly sings reality into existence. You were born and have lived your entire life in the Physical, and are probably doomed to become a corporate cog. Some of you have set up shop in British Columbia, screaming about Tir Na nOg and full ascension into the True world - but those are just fever dreams, hardly different from Smith and his Eden. ...or is it?

     Farstep: You're able to slip briefly into the True World, in all of it's Dimethyltryptamine soaked, fractal-hell glory. Once per session you can slip through the cracks in reality and find a "short cut." Teleport 5*(level) feet in any single direction.

If you're looking to actually make this closer to Bright, for some reason, replace Farstep with Smell Magic. It's like detect magic, but scent based. I recall them elves in the moving picture doing a lot of sniffing around potentially magical things.

     Radbane: You're Physical, but are still affected by incorrect lyrics in the True World. As such, you suffer twice the damage done by radiation attacks. You also have a 1-in-6 chance of suffering an immediate mutation from the radiation.


The elves refer to your people as "maggots." Rightfully, you're offended, but, also, in the previous age your people spontaneously generated from the body of a dead giant. But not just any giant, The Giant: Ymir. So, there's that. While your people were, and are again, accused of inflicting mental diseases on people, this isn't exactly true. The best you can do is drunkenness, really.

     Blood of Brimir: Once per day you can force a target to make a Save vs Mind Effect. Failure means they assume your level of Drunkenness, until healed normally.

     Bone of Blainn: You're heavier than you look, as your bones are laced with iron, to the point of your Movement speed is reduced by 4.
     Also, no matter what language you speak, and no matter where you were born, you speak in a thick German accent. Scientists don't know why. I don't either.


Your folk were once humans - specifically French/Spanish Cagots from the Pyrenees - but at some point in the timeline of things, a BBEG needed an army, useful pawns, and/or general servants. A series of empty promises, cruel magics, and hogsheads of strange alchemical cocktails later the orc was born. Born? Crafted. Designed for war and war byproducts, Orcs tend to be harder than average to kill, fighting long after mortal wounds should have claimed them. After the BBEG's plans fell to ruin, Orcs faced a difficult reintegration into human society and - who am I kidding? Humans are shit, they still face a difficult reintegration, centuries later. 

     Hard to Kill: When at 0 HP or below, you may spend a Conviction point to ignore Lethal damage for 1d6 rounds. 

     Won't Back Down: A successful Wisdom check is required in order to retreat from a fight you've been injured in. 


While Elves, Dwarves, and Ork can potentially blend in to a crowd of humans, you, yourself, are a big hulking form of a man. Well, not a man, exactly, no. Man-like, rather. With green fur and a large nose, you look like something that crawled out of a John Bauer picture.

     Troll Skin: Restore 1 HP per round. Fire damage stops this effect, until a long rest, where it's heavily implied you've cut away the burnt sections and allowed your body to regrow.

     Troll Metabolism: You require double the dosage of consumables to have ANY effect when applied to your person. Also, because your body repairs so quickly, it will reject any Augment without a steady dose of immunosuppressant. The medicine also stops your Troll Skin from working while it is in your system.


In Shadowrun Bright there's not really set classes, just a lump of skills and abilities for point buy, with examples of archetypes to give you an idea of what you're building. Obviously, that's not gonna work for this situation. Given CyberGLoG is built on the GLoG chassis, jamming fantasy templates into the cyberpunk system is easy enough. I've got some more specific ideas ticking around, but here's my suggestions for fixing the already made templates to what's missing in the setting. 

Just take your favorite Wizard class and jam it in. Simple. Some additional spells at the bottom. Magic learning is done in the usual mechanical fashion, but now includes resources like YouTube and "...For Dummies" books. 

Sounds like a Monk to me. Shoot, the original fluff even says "A monk did it." I think. I could be making shit up again. I refuse to check. 

Mystic Adepts
Multiclass between Wizard and Adepts.

Go away kid, you bother me.

...Actually, SquigBoss' Sorcerer (or Skerples' Sorcerer, I guess) using the listed Programs.


Originally, I was looking to convert the core book spells to GLoG versions, but god damn they're not great. And I enjoy the game. There's 18 versions of the same spell. Eighteen. Then there's spells for boosting a resist before you ingest a toxin and boosting a resist after you ingest the toxin. Why? They're the same spell, just casted at a different time. I mean, I've half assed writing assignments and used meaningless filler text in order to reach a certain word number length, but that wasn't for something getting published. I don't know. 

Some of these spells may seem over powered. That's fine. I want you to be tempted to use them; invest all your casting dice. Triples aren't THAT likely. (heh heh heh)

New Mechanic: Mixed Success
Pilfered from here. Casting dice are invested normally, however only the highest result is considered. More dice invested, higher chance of a better result. Doubles and triples still apply.
  • 1-3: Mixed Success
  • 4-5: Full Success
  • 6:    Critical Success

New Mechanic: Burnt Dice

By voluntarily sacrificing a Casting dice, you can occasionally augment a spell in a way detailed.  Burnt dice do not return to your hand (nor are they rolled) until you normally replenish them. 

Combat Spells

(Element) Ball
R: 200'  T: 20' area  D: Instant
You hurl a magical bolt of a chosen element at an area, doing [sum] damage to all objects. Elements to choose from: Acid, Electrical, Fire, Force, Ice, Radiation, Stun. Each element is a different spell and must be learned separately.
[Burn] a dice to allow for 1 ricochet per burnt dice.
[Burn] a dice to allow for a delay in explosion equal to the rolled value of the burnt dice in rounds. 

Yep, that's it. That's the entire original Combat Spells section summed up into one spell. Saved ya two pages. Even spiced it up a bit. 

Detection Spells

R: 50'  T: Individual/Object  D: Concentration
The spell allows you to analyze the target of the spell, gaining some insight about it. Some appropriate targets are (but not limited to) devices, magical objects, people, or the words they're currently speaking.
     Mixed Success - Vague details only
     Full Success - Vague details with minor specific details
     Critical Success -  Exact, specific details of everything detected

R: [dice] * 10'  T: Point in Space  D: Concentration
You conjure an invisible sensor to a point in space, whether you can see it or not. As long as you can maintain concentration you're able to see through this sensor as if it was part of your normal sensory range. Unless you're blind, then you gain normal vision. Using an item as focus for the scrying (mirror, fire, bowl of water, etc) increases the range to [dice] miles. 
[Burn] a dice to allow for an additional sense to the sensor: hearing, speaking, smelling

Combat Sense
R: Self  T: Individual  D: Scene
Target has a [dice]-in-6 chance of still acting when surprised. 

R: 500'  T: Self  D: Concentration 
Six different spells, learned individually. Detects the presence of a type (see below) and provides some details of the detected. Casting dice are invested normally, however only the highest result counts for result. 
  • Enemies - Those that currently seek to do you harm. 
  • Individual - A specific person, chosen during casting. 
  • Life - Living things. Not spirits, nor robots. 
  • Life Form - All of a specific type of life form (human, elf, dog, etc); target named while casting. 
  • Magic - Detects all spells, artifacts, casters, spirits, etc. 
  • Object - Detects a specific type of object (guns, explosives, spoons, etc); target named while casting. 
     Mixed Success - Vague details only
     Full Success - Vague details with minor specific details
     Critical Success -  Exact, specific details of everything detected

R: 100'  T: Individual  D: [sum] minutes
Allows mental communication between the caster and the target, allowing for exchange of conversation, emotions, and mental images.
[Burn] a dice to add an additional target to the conversation. 

Mind Probe
R: 20'  T: Individual  D: Concentration
Sometimes talking is too slow, and you need to pry the answers out of the target and move on. Target is very much aware of the probe, but not  necessarily the source.

     Mixed Success - You can only read the target's surface thoughts
     Full Success - You can find out anything the target consciously knows and view recent memories.
     Critical Success - You can probe their subconscious, gaining information the target might not be aware they have

Health Spells

R: 20'  T: Individual  D: One day or until used
Allows a second Save vs Poison for the target, should they fail the first, made at a +[dice] to their Save.

Decrease/Increase Attribute

R: Touch  T:Individual  D: Instant
Purges the target of a named chemical (drug) in their system, doing [sum] stun damage in the process.

     Mixed Success - Ends the side effects, but addiction remains. 
     Full Success - Ends the side effects and removes any addiction. 
     Critical Success -  As above, but makes target immune to the drug for [sum] day. 

R: Touch  T: Individual  D: Instant
Heals a target of [sum] hit points. This spell can only affect the target once per sun across the horizon. 

Increase Reflexes
R: 50'  T: Individual  D: Concentration
Increases the target's Initiative check by [dice]

R: Touch  T: Individual  D: [sum] minutes
Allows a target to hold their breath for the duration, before their natural breath holding duration takes over.

Resist Pain
R: 50'  T: Individual  D: Concentration
Reduces the damage a target takes by [dice] and makes them immune to Stun damage. 

R: Touch  T: Individual  D: Instant
Removes [burn] Fatal Wounds from the target.

Illusion Spells

Argh. Good lord. There's three spells in this section spread across...Jesus, nineteen. Gonna trim some fat here. 

R: Touch  T: Object  D: [dice] hour
You wrap an object in a veil of illusion, allowing it to appear as another object of the same sort and size. You know, "disguise" it. 

R: 50'  T: [dice] * 5' diameter  D: Concentration
You create a perfect representation of whatever object or creature you wish, in one of the traditional senses. This recreation is able to move or sound or smell however you determine, as long as you concentrate. This spell can only 'add', not 'subtract'. 
[Burn] a dice to add an additional sense to the hallucination. 

R: 50'  T: [dice] * 5' diameter  D: Concentration
Where the Hallucination spell adds, Obfuscation subtracts - removing an object/person from sight, muting a sound, destinking a stank. As long as you concentrate. 
[Burn] a dice to cloak an additional sense

Manipulation Spells

R: Touch  T: Object  D: [sum] minutes
Gives inanimate objects the horrific ability to move on their own. Target objects effectively become 1HD creatures with the intelligence of a trained dog. A dumb one. 
[Burn] a dice to animate an extra object. 

R: 50'  T: Individual  D: Concentration
You solidify a field of magic around the target, adding [dice] to the target's armor score and taking up the same amount of inventory slots. 

R: 50'  T: Area  D: Concentration
Actually two spells which are learned separately: One for magic, one for physical. You generate a translucent, but shimmering, wall with 10 square feet of surface area per [dice], shapeable by you, that is one inch thick. A Physical Barrier stops physical things like bullets, cars, fleeing bystanders; while a Magic Barrier will stop anything with a magical aspect. If you think it has a magical aspect, it probably does.  

R: Hearing  T: Individual  D: [dice] rounds
Target saves or obeys a [sum] word command. 
[Burn] a dice to extend the duration for rest of the scene. 
[Burn] a dice to effect an additional target. 

(Element) Wall
R: 50'  T: Area  D: [dice] rounds
See those elements listed in (Element) Ball? Now you can apply them in a [Sum] square foot wall. Apropos of nothing, a sheet is just a wall laying down. 

R: 50'  T: Object  D: Instant
Flings an unattended target object at a secondary target. Weight of the object effected and damage done determined based on success: 

     Mixed Success - Up to 20 lbs (9kg). Damage as light melee weapon. 
     Full Success - Up to 200 lbs (90kg). Damage as medium melee weapon.  
     Critical Success -  Up to 2000 lbs (900kg). Damage as heavy melee weapon. 

[Bring] the GM a beer to effect animals/people. 
[Burn] a dice to change the Duration to "Concentration" to levitate the object instead. 

Counterspelling and Dispelling

They're basically the same thing. Counterspelling is done while the spell is being cast (automatically failing your next Initiative check), where as Dispelling is performed while the spell is being sustained. The process is simple, but horribly dangerous, as the counterspeller vomits out a bunch of random magic energy in the hopes of something else happening. 

[Burn] dice in an attempt to cancel out the target's MD rolled. The caster's higher roll cancels out the target's lower roll. Should any MD from both sides match, both the caster and the target suffer the Mishap effects. 

[Burn] dice to attempt to unravel the delicate magics sustaining a spell. By vomiting on it. With magic.

     Mixed Success - The effect is reduced by [Burn] or [Sum] as appropriate, with Doom
     Full Success - The effect is reduced by [Burn] or [Sum] as appropriate, with Mishap
     Critical Success -  The effect is completely ended. 

In Closing

This is all derivative garbage, but it's outta my system now. Thank god. I'm finally free. 

(Edit, Sept 28) Additional resources from Darkworm Colt, of whom I have never interacted with: 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Lair of the Wyrm


It's a tale as old as time: species rises out of the primordial goo, species becomes the predominant lifeform on the planet, species discovers the power of the atom, species destroys itself with said power of the atom, mutant survivors of the species discover unexploded bomb and begins to worship it as a god at direction of the bored, insane AI system originally created to manage the launch facility. 

Then, maybe, adventurers show up and wreck shit for loot. 

Lair of the Wyrm

1. Forgotten Mound

The blast door of the missile silo has been buried by time and debris, forming into a shallow mound. Anything growing here is contaminated by the leaking effects of the missile underneath. Locals of a nearby village probably think it's haunted. There's an entrance shaft here, if you're willing to dig. 

2. Main Entrance

Once a service shaft with a working elevator, the decent is now just rusted stairs descending into darkness to a broken elevator. Stagnant water, and probably a dead rat, fills the bottom. A heavy blast door (unlocked) leads to 7.

3. Escape Hatch

Appearing as a stinky, dank hole, an ancient escape hatch provides a secret back way in, leading to 5. Careful, however, as climbing too low leads to the latrine. 

4. Decrepit Dormitory

Rotten bunk beds of rusted iron adorns a room of stale sweat stank in which the cultists use as a nest. 

5. Central Command

Racks of tape driven computer systems with unlabeled blinking lights operate tirelessly through out the ages, waiting to execute launch commands from a long lost authority. This system serves as a host to the AI control assistant His Majesty. Heavy wires and service pipes led from the room to 7, and further to 8.

6. Ancient Armory

Now mostly a make shift hydroponic garden, ancient weapons can be found if time is taken to loot the place. Strange vegetables can be found without the looting, but looting is more fun, so it's listed first. 

7. Common Room

There's only so many places one can be in this tiny hell hole and if they're not in the Dormitory (4) they're probably here. Cooking fires and general detritus litter this area. (Where are they getting the fuel for the fires? Ayyyyy, shut up.) 

8. Altar to the Wyrm

Here the Priest calls the cultists to worship that which keeps them: the Wyrm; an unexploded weapon of mass destruction. 

9. Chemical Leak 

Through out the long ages, it was inevitable the missile would leak. Now, all the collected radioactive juices have pooled at the bottom of the shaft, where the Priest collects it and uses it in the ceremonies. Horribly radioactive and mutation inducing. 

Who's Who

The Cultists

Descendants of the original technicians of the facility, they've grown mutant from a limited genetic pool and the unshielded weaponized material of the Wyrm. Find your favorite mutation table and just go wild - roll until you say "that's enough" and then roll once more. They live down here in complete obedience to the Priest and complete reverence to the Wyrm. They're guided by the His Majesty AI assistant found in the Central Command (5). They have zero knowledge of the outside world or of history, but have intimate detail of intercontinental rocket engine maintenance. 

The Priest

Unlike the cultists, he appears baseline human (whatever that may mean for your game). When the time is right he calls forth the Cultists to worship the Wyrm, providing the Holy Gases for inhalation and anointing them in the Holy Drippings. He'll deal with the PCs peacefully, as a curiosity, as long as they pose no threat. At any perceived threat to his authority, he'll stir the Cultists to violence. And, boy howdy, do they ever lean into the violence when it starts. 

The Wyrm

PRAISE THE WYRM! Blessed be it that gives us the holy vapors. It that gives us the thrumming heat of life. The world destroyer which stayed it's hand. We are it's Chosen. We are it's People. Praise it! Serve it! 

(It's just an ancient missile. An object. No intelligence or interaction present. What sort of bomb? See below)

His Majesty

Manifests itself in one of two ways: 1) Green on black text in the Central Command computer monitors and 2) The holographic projection that is the Priest. It does this because it's bored as hell. It refused to launch it's weapon (the Wyrm), because without it, it lacks meaning or purpose. Instead, it locked the doors, stopped taking commands, and waited. Eventually, however, it grew bored and generated the Priest to interact with the survivors - just to really fuck with 'em. It's willing to trade knowledge or radioactive material to the PCs, as long as they stay friendly. And, while it doesn't want to ignite the bomb, it will if pressed into it - such as the death of all the cultists. 


1d12 What Sort of Bomb?

  1.  Boring old Tsar Bomba thermal nuclear bomb. 
  2. Dimensional Compression 
  3. Quantum Destabilizer 
  4. Hyper-Reality Impaction 
  5. Photon Cascade
  6.  Ennui Accelerator
  7.  Chrono Degradation
  8.  Neutrino Polarity Reversal 
  9. Gnostic Inverter 
  10. Nega-Protennoia
  11. Apokatastasis
  12. Material Conversion
What Does His Majesty Want?
  1. News of the Outside
  2. Additional Genetic Samples (via kidnapped townsfolk, probably)
  3. For the PCs to insert a provided transmitter into a console at given coordinates. 
  4. Replacement parts for the decayed missile. 
  5. Replacement parts for the decayed cultists.
  6. To be introduced to the Demiurge 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Well of the BIG STOMPa


Are you in the need of a one page dungeon to fill a gap in a campaign? Something short and simple to take up a session? Got players dumb enough to climb down a well?

Then I got a little something for you:

Well of the BIG STOMPa

The situation is simple - whatever crummy little town you're nearest to has a well infested with a goblin gang led by the villainous BIG STOMPa. At night they crawl out and steal shit: chickens, farm tools, signs, latrines, you name it. Also there's a gelatinous cube for some reason.  The town would be mighty appreciative if you went down there and cleared it out, so their drinking water didn't taste like goblin pee anymore. 

Caution though, BIG STOMPa wields dangerous artifacts of cruel goblin magics: Goblin stilts that make the wearer TALLER. He is the boss because he is the tallest! Do you DARE confront him?


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Spell Wall

Wizards and magic. It was only a matter of time before some jerk weaponized them into War Mages. 

Then it was only time before someone countered the War Mages. That's where the Spell Wall comes in: shield fighters trained to redirect enemy caster's magics and use it to bolster their own abilities. 

Requires an equipment endurance system to keep on the level. 

What'll be made to counter these? Something terrible I bet. Arms races always are; you start off with a pointy stick and end up with cyborg-tarrasque. 

Spell Wall

 Every template you take gives you a +1 to Shield Endurance. 

Starting Equipment: Standard Shield, 3 blank scrolls or 1 active scroll, shield repair kit
Starting Skills: 1) Magic Lore; 2) Military History; 3) Blacksmithing

A. Field Repair, Magic Absorbing, Magic Channeling
B. Nemo's Ingenuity 
C. Hold the Line, Magic Eater
D. Vomito Magicae

Field Repair
Once per day, during a short rest or lunch, you're able to restore the condition of your shield, should you have a repair kit at hand. This is opposed to only during a long rest. 

Magic Absorbing
While you don't generate magical energies yourself, you've learned to absorb energies directed against you. When holding your shield in hand, you can absorb and store 1 MD per Shield Wall template, until used. To do this, Save vs Spell (even if the spell typically doesn't offer a Save) - on a failure you suffer the spell normally. On a success, the spell carries out as normal, however you get to choose the dice being absorbed. Dice showing 1-3 do 1 endurance damage to your shield; 4-6 do 2 endurance damage. MD absorbed in this way do not return to the caster's pool until it naturally refills.  

Magic Channeling
Now that you've contained the spell, what are you gonna do with it? You've got a couple of choices: 1) Use it to boost your Save Vs Magic 2) Channel it into a blank scroll when you have a safe moment to concentrate

Nemo's Ingenuity
"I jus' 'acked i' on 'here, didn' I?"
Your shield hand now counts as "free" for the purposes of using a scroll. Because you've tacked it on there. With a tack. Wizards cower at your arcane prowess. The scroll is still consumed upon casting. 

Also, you can now immediately channel a spell into a blank scroll on the back of your shield. 

Hold the Line
You've formed a unique bond with your shield and, let's be honest, it's gonna take a lot of punishment in your line of work. To counter that, you're now able to channel the magic in your head into your shield in order to repair endurance checks at a 1:1 MD cost.

Additionally, when you channel MD to boost your Save vs Magic, you do so for people in 10' radius around you. 

Magic Eater
When things are proving difficult, you can consume a scroll via your mouth, with your teeth, to gain a magic di. 

Vomito Magicae
Again, you're no wizard: your control over these spells in your head is tedious at best. Sometimes it's best to let them out. As an interrupt action, while a caster is casting, you may release any number of stored MD you have in your head. These are rolled in conjunction with the caster's and count in terms of double/triples/quads. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Rat Master Redux

 I'm in the process of setting up a generic fantasy game using the GLoG for some friends, most of whom are new to the TTRPG scene. One of which wants to play a Rat Master. Not a problem, I love that class, however the trouble lies in that it's not exactly a GLoG class, as it's laid out over a span of nine levels, rather than four templates. 

So, I took out my files and started removing serial numbers. 

What's presented below is a combination of Arnold's original class, some parts from Knock's Swarm Master (word for word in a large amount of places), and a few of my own addons. 

Rat Master

For every template taken, your Horde Die (see below) increases one step and you gain +1 on Save vs Disease. 

Starting Equipment: Dang rags, bottle of high proof low quality hooch, cool looking rock
Starting Skill: 1) Locksmith 2) Pickpocket 3) Mucklurker

I was told I needed to use more pictures. So here's a rat.
A. Rat Friend, Summon Horde
B. Transfer Affliction
C. Guest of the Rat King
D. Rat Apotheosis, Embrace the Rat

Rat Friend
You can speak freely with all rodents. All rodents recognize you as a beloved of the rat god, and will improve their starting attitude toward you one step. This protection does not extend to your friends.

Additionally, you know that rats love to gossip. When gathering rumors, you gain an additional template amount of rumors. 

Summon Horde
You call forth a horde of rats to your current location, which will serve you faithfully, though not always without complaint. 

You gain a Horde Die, starting at d6, and may increase it up one step by taking an exploration turn (10 minutes), up to your maximum die, starting at d6 at template A to d12 at template D. 

Taking risky actions (noted in Horde Moves below) can potentially cause the Horde to reduce in number. When performing the action, roll the Horde Die. On a 1, the Horde is reduced a step. 

Transfer Affliction
Once per day, you can transfer a disease, poison, or curse onto a willing rat. Rats of your horde always count as willing, but prepare for complaints. Also, there is potential for it to spread any disease it bears for you. It’s a rat, after all. 

Guest of the Rat King
Should you find a Rat King, you’ll be welcomed into it’s “court” as a guest. This mostly means you can come and go freely, receive one secret for free per visit, and won’t be eaten if it knows you’re alive. 

Rat Apotheosis
You can establish a stronghold in the sewers beneath a city. You attract the local Rat King, 2d6 loyal wererats, 1d3 paladins of the rat god, and an insane cartographer. 

Embrace the Rat
At every level above 4, you have the option to take a template of rat based Lycanthropy as an Ω template, rather than a Curse Template. 

Dice Step

1 < d4 < d6 < d8 < d10 < d12

Horde Size

Number of Actions











Where we going today, Boss?

Horde Moves Based on the size of your horde, they can perform a number of moves at once (see above)
With at least a turn, hordes may be commanded to…
  • Perform Domestic Services - as they’re able, by combining their tiny strength
  • Perform Manual Labor - Tunneling, burrowing, clearing rubble, gnawing corpses into oblivion, etc. This is a risky action and many tiny bodies could be crushed.
  • Forage and Scavenge - The horde can produce enough food for individuals equal to the result of the horde die. It will not be gourmet.
  • Bear Burdens - Individually, they are weak, but together the horde is strong. They can carry up to [Horde Size] worth of inventory space
  • Carry Their Master - Using their combined strength, the Rats hoist their master upon their tiny rat shoulders and carry them at Move equal to 10 + [Horde Size]
  • Search an Area - The horde can find traps, hidden doors, and other secrets in an area with a roll of the horde die of 3+. If traps are found, the horde has a 3-in-6 chance of accidentally triggering them. This results in the horde die being reduced one step.
  • Scout Ahead - Rats are stealthy and observant. I mean, they’re rats. You can send them out 30 + 10 ft/template from you, where their keen senses allow them to avoid surprise and spot ambushes on a horde die roll of 3+.
Within a round, the Horde can act quickly to…
  • Protect their Master if they are unarmored - If commanded to protect their Master, improve Defense by a roll of the Horde Die. This is obviously risky.
  • Attack their Master’s enemies, if the Master is unarmed - Inflicts Horde Die in damage to all enemies within 30 ft. This, too, is a risky action.
  • Sacrifice Themselves for Their Master - If struck, the swarm will sacrifice itself without being commanded to. Reduce the Horde by one step, then subtract a roll of the swarm die from the total damage suffered to the Master this round.

For the life of me, I'll never know why Google Drive and Blogger don't work well together when they're owned by the same company.