District Generator

Wrote a quick generator to distract myself from cyberpunk writer's block. Intended of assist Josh over at Rise Up, I reckon it'll be suited for anyone looking for a strange entry into a city. Not all combinations are perfect, but if it helps get the thinker get thinkering, then it's done its job. District Generator ...


This part is likely to get fiddly. It mustn't get fiddly. It probably will though. Design goal: Don't get fiddly. If a decimal gets used in the price, things have gotten off course. Points are provided in increments of 10 rather than 100 to avoid sneaking around this. Design goal: Augments shouldn't just mimic equipment. If they do, as the eye augments probably will, they should be significantly...

//GLoG.dat -hackr -?

Edit: Also check out the Tech by Luther Gutekunst Really backed myself into a corner, title wise, by placing the .dat file in the root. So anyway, the idea here was to find a solution for a hacker that didn’t have them playing their own mini session with the GM while everyone sat around bored. Honestly, I had very little in the way of ideas on how to do that until I came across this blog...


Sometimes, in the long shadows of the night, I get to imagining I've got time and brain space to run a game again. A cyberpunk game, specifically; set in a 20XX where Mega Corporations run the majority of things, humanity is locked some vague place between meat and machine, and chock full of all the technobabble you can squeeze out of the collective works of William Gibson. Or "Billy Gibs" as I call...
Shields Shall Be Fiddly

Shields Shall Be Fiddly

50% cover should be +4AC Been hankering to build another shield in all this free time i ain't got. Maybe see if I can get something weildable, rather than just ornamental. Either way, in contemplating this, I took to reflecting on the time I spent fighting with a shield, and let me tell you,...

Erdgeist MKII

You, all both readers, have probably noticed I've stopped mentioning a vague, ill defined system that plagued the earlier posts of this blog. Well, as predicted, I've grown bored of it. Also the idea was garbage. There's enough systems out there handling mechanics well enough, I needn't be reinventing the wheel. That weird duality thing I was going for, bin that too. That being said I'm not intending...

This One Goes Out to the One I Love

His Majesty the Worm NPC Generator&nbs...
Character Sheet Attacking Critters

Character Sheet Attacking Critters

Because direct HP damage gets boring after a while. Babel Mold A dark, chalky mold, that smells slightly of rotten fish, growing in damp, dark places. Typically it grows sprawling across any porous surface, however when it takes to reproducing it grows in fragile nodules that, when disturbed, erupt...