1d10 Gangs of MegaEast

The mofia, Yakuza, and the Irish mob are all alive and well in the year 20XX. Really well. They've moved into politics and have themselves a senator or three. That's good and all for when you get mixed up in corporate business, but until then, here are some lesser gangs of MegaEast. Rockerboys There are some who, while enjoying the rockabilly aesthetic, realize what a pain in the ass the upkeep of...
Kurtful of Russells

Kurtful of Russells

 Get drunk, make RPGs. Play tested 100 hours.&nb...

Adventure Scouts!

 I've had a little setting/system I've been referring to as Adventure Scouts! knocking around in my head for a bit. As I've been yelled at for not posting, I figured I might as well put down actual notes and see if this becomes anything. I've a few other entrees in editing hell at the moment, but this seems to have jumped the queue for some reason or another. The basic premise is the PCs...
Under Hill, By Water

Under Hill, By Water

YOU! Adventurer! Do you tire of constantly risking your life for ancient trinkets that are most likely cursed? Do you long for a pastoral life where you have a moment to just sit? Where your biggest concern of the day is finding where Old Man Ruther's bastard goose went, rather than if you've gotten...


The original intent for the setting description was to work west around the world, just to keep it orderly. Ennui and has decided I'll jump ahead a few time zones. Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsFor stretch of time, things were looking rough for the USSR, having grown stagnant in Stalin's state...
On Halflings, Goblins, and Raccoons

On Halflings, Goblins, and Raccoons

 In the last post, I offered an encountered posed as a question:24. What if Hydras, but with Hobbits?And that got me wondering: What IF hydras, but with hobbits? Well, the answer seems pretty clear: Goblins. "What? That makes no sense, you drunkard." I hear you say; to which I retort: 1) Ouch. Rude. Jesus. and 2) I can show my work. I just gotta do a little information dump to get you...

1d30 for Izzy

Good grief, the new blogger interface is trifling and powerfully ugly. Looks like publication scheduling ain't working well either? Anyway, a stretch of writer's block hit and to get through it I gave a general call for random tables. Turns out my buddy Izzy needed some random encounters. I think he's using Pathfinder, but I ain't certain, nor did I take any measures to find out. 1d30 Random...
The Wrecktangle

The Wrecktangle

I've recently learned of a thing: Beautiful in it's simplicity, a masterwork in it's craftsmanship. Simple geometric form imbued with time and talent to create a work of art. Ugh. I should have sent a poet. Look at it for yourself:The Wrecktangle, by michaelcthulhuChaos starts at 1:23:00I just...god damn. I need this in my games. Cyberpunk, fantasy, other genres - it'll work. I'll make it...