Barkeep on the Borderlands: A Review

Back in the summer of ‘24, back before possession of books was deemed treasonous to the State, I’d somehow or another gotten it into my head to review Barkeep on the Borderlands. But how does one review? I had never been certain. Of course, I’ve read at least a handful, but I’ve never really thought about the elements of one. I’ve never had to. I’m hardly interested in my own vaguely bland opinions,...

Are you using Liches correctly?

I mean, yeah, probably. This bit doesn't actually address ways of using Liches in game.LichesWe all know the basic description of a Lich: "Undead wizard skeleton who does big evil magic and keeps returning from destruction unless you break their soul jar." Yes, yes, straight forward stuff. We've all heard it. BUT: Consider the source. Who told you this? Was it the murder hobos who swept through...