

Elves. Long haired, pointy-eared, dandelion eating, pompous, lithe assholes that've become a staple of modern fantasy. Why? Because J.R.R. Tolkien was crazy for them. Just loved them. Went so far as to write a language and songs for 'em. Obsession, plan and simple. Nerds, in turn, being the most sway-able...

More Joshing

The Task "okay so the generic premise of Katabasis is that there is one big city (all roads lead to Rome, equivalent) called The City, and underneath the city there is The Dungeon, which goes on forever and has lots of treasure but also monsters and you gotta go down there and get the treasure write up 300 words as to how the dungeon was discovered adn what people think it was chop chop" The...

Things Josh is probably stealing from me

Things I made today with/for mead brother Josh. Posting it to amuse myself. RNG, God of Chaos "He" and "him" are but customaries, for he lies somewhere between the two. His voice is the sound of the falling rain that will water your crops and flood your fields. His breath is the wind that carries the scent of roses and fuels the forest fire. He once heard the cries of a starving people and sent...

Magic Words

Lately, the thought of dynamic spell lists has appealed to me. It's magic after all. If it worked exactly the same all the time, every time, it'd be science. Also, creating such a list for custom settings is a huge pain. So, given lessons learned from Legends: Make the players do it. The thought appeals to me for several reasons. Firstly, after the brief rule structure to follow, little further work...

Maurice and the Ugly Kid

In a certain kingdom, in a certain city, in a certain back alley, should you seek black market antiquities or illicit goods of the highest quality and even higher prices, you'll want to find Maurice and the Ugly Kid. Should you have need to purchase items without the slightest chance of a receiving...

The Old Man in the Desert

Four days West of horizon from the Free City of Ankh'eth, North of the pyramid pocked desert, deep into the sand wastes, lies the Old Man; a gigantic, half buried iron bust of a vague, yet grim - though some say stoic - figure. Who built it and why is lost to the shifting sands of time, as no civilization has been know to inhabit the region. What is known, however, is the curse that lingers over...