Because people won't stop talking about it

1d8 hooks involving the reason people will suddenly think it's a good idea to stare at the sun.  The village fool has burned out their retinas by staring at the eclipse. He was given a "magical" pair of glasses by a local wizard, and was told he could view the celestial event safely. Turns out is was just a pair of smoked glass. If confronted, the wizard finds this hilarious and congratulates...

Magic and Sanity

Sanity Based Magicking  The following system assumes the usage of Item Quality, that being a dice value assigned to a consumable item, which is tested on usage. Given a roll of 1-3, the quality lessens to the next step down, thus representing the entropy of the item. For reference the steps are d20>d12>d10>d8>d6>d4. I wish there was a step between d12 and d20, but there ain’t...


Whale fall. It's when a whale carcass falls into the abyssal zone of the ocean, bringing it's now unused, carbon filled meaty chunks to the eldritch horrors that live in the deep down. I saw an article on it the other day and it got me thinkering: What would happen if an n-dimension creature of unfathomable physicality came crashing down into our abyssal third dimension? Probably the carrion-eaters...

Additional Bug Catcher bugs

Currently running what was suppose to be a one shot in the GLOG system. The dinner part continues ever on, however, and the one shot has turned into a two-parter. One of the players is running Bug Catcher and, due to the situations they find themselves, will need to restock their bugs soon, though the example ecosystems don't match where they find themselves. So, more of 'em: >>Bugs are...


Lately I've taken to woodworking. I'm still getting the hang of it, learning the ropes and all that, but I'm enjoying it. It's a relaxing change to the typical "herp derp, neural network *type type type*" of my day. It lets my mind settle, run clean. Nearly zen like. And lately, as I've done this inner...


Someone has mentioned to me "its more important to just *put out content*, then worry about half-written blog posts." That seems unwholesome and unsatisfying to me, but, also, I haven't posted in an month or more. So, because of that, you folk get to deal with copy/paste from a document I've labelled...

The Bone Field

Arthur Fieldsman was a good man. True to his family name he tended the fields, just as his father, and his father, had. His harvests were bountiful and his livestock, more often than not, were hearty. He had a good wife. Their marriage had been arranged, sure, but he loved her well enough, and didn't strike her often out of turn. She bore him three healthy and strong children. Each looked...


To be blunt: You're hated. Your only crime, however, is that your family name became included in a rhyming song meant to remind the people that you and yours are meant to be shunned. How'd your family name get on the list? Who knows, it was centuries ago. Since then, though, your kind as been outed from the community: forced to live in separate towns; unable to walk barefoot along roads; not even...
I made a thing

I made a thing

A buddy of mine is really into that Skyrim game. So, for his birthday (half, a full, two month passed), I thought to make him a wall hanging of Whiterun's Shield. I debated on an actual, usable shield, but wall art seems more suitable in this day and age. Also, larping has passed us both. Music...