Shivering Eddy and his Sick Dog

Shivering Eddy and his Sick Dog

(Based on real events) Shivering Eddy gets his name from his huge drug problem, one that'll kill him in a low number of years. He's an unremarkable fellow, about 5'7", dirty clothes and a dirtier smile. A known boozer and smutmonger, the lights went out of his eyes years ago. He can be found, usually,...

Gunslinger and Preacher

Since I can't stay focused on one thing for any amount of time, here's more Weird West: Gunslinger Starting Gear: Revolver (d6), Bandoleer, pack of chew Starting Skills (1d3): 1 - Bounty Hunting, 2 - Law, 3 - Firearms Gain +1 HP for every Gunslinger template you take A. Notches B. Fan the Hammer, attack +1 C. Call Out D. Dead Eye, attack +1 Notches Each time you attain a total of 10, 20, 30,...
Eldritch Plains Drifter

Eldritch Plains Drifter

Don't judge my inability to take a screenshot without hitting ALL the buttons "Hey, you seen this funny picture about cowboys being wizards with wands casting the bullet spell?" "Dang it, boy. Lemme finish this cyberpunk setting before I get distracted by a weird west setting." "YOU DO IT" "Fiiiine" I...


That thing I did with weapons? Doing it with Armor. End of intro. Actually, a note: In the listed features the obvious option of "bulletproof" ain't present. That's namely because without that feature the armor really isn't armor, is it? Armor Light Armor - 1 feature Medium Armor - 2 features Heavy Armor - 3 features Features Active Camouflage - Microcameras transmit images to micromonitors...
Knight of Faerie

Knight of Faerie

Wrote most this in traffic today. The intent here was to screw around with how Conviction points are used by a template. Sort of like how the Loa AI messed around with inventory slots. However, given the primary usage of Conviction points, I had to be careful else I'd create something that went crazy...


In working on the Drone system, I grew to like the idea of the modular feature system. Seemed good to me and feedback was generally positive. So, now, it's getting applied to Weapons as well. It'll be jammed into Armor too, at some point. This allows for avoiding an over long list of ever so slightly different weapons, as well as allows for a Borderlands style gun generator. Hope you like exploding...


Case had seen the medium before; when he'd been a teenager in the Sprawl, they'd called it, "dreaming real." He remembered thin Puerto Ricans under East Side streetlights, dreaming real to the quick beat of a salsa, dreamgirls shuddering and turning, the onlookers clapping in time. But that had needed a van full of gear and a clumsy trode helmet.        What Riviera dreamed,...


Drones: I make an augment to work with them, but then never provide them. I am justly cruel. Drones are semi-autonomous devices that come in various sizes and are made for various purposes. From maglev mounted cameras to a weapons platform mounted on Boston Dynamics' cheetah, each brings a unique edge to a mission. Drones and vehicles seem like they would be counted as the same thing, but they're...


There was a competition just recently in the GLoG Discord server for making a Parasite Race-as-Class. I only learned of it after the fact, however it got me thinking on one in a cyberpunk setting. My original planning was to hold off on AI as a class until this came up. It's here, it's now, let's do it. The Contest: Make a Parasite Race-as-Class GLoG class The Rules: I never bothered to learn 'em....

What's in the box?

No, I ain't dead. Though technical writing MIGHT be the death of me. Figured a list would get me in a working mood again. Boy, howdy, was I wrong. Any way, remember that package the trade magnate and courier get? The mysterious one? What the heck IS in that package anyway? Let's find out together (1d30): 3 blank cassettes An assortment of blank passports Bag of drugs Random medium ranged NewTech...


The hand-waving of having "enough" ammo not enough resource management for you? Fine, fine, ammo subsystem. Some Terminology we'll be using, most of it used incorrectly to real life: Bullet - Misused term for centerfire cartridge consisting of bullet, propellant, and primer.  Shot - An attacks worth of bullets. Varies based on type of gun. Magazine - A collection of shots. Like a quiver for...


So, Josh over at Rise Up Comis has been conned into very generously offered to run a game using these CyberGLoG rule set. To which end he notes the need for an equipment list, which brings us to this post. Who's ready for another list of things? Prices are listed in NeuvoYen (Y), as it's one of the only remaining stable currencies. It's also one of the last paper currency left. The dollar isn't...