

Masters and summoners of both the dead and undead, who use their powers to raise minions and pose questions to souls who have passed beyond the veil. Also, they tend to hang around in grave yards and look like the Cure rejects in face paint. IS it face paint, or do they 'naturally' look like that? Who's the say. 

A moment should be taken, perhaps, to review terms:

  • Living: Most mortals in your day to day, ghouls, souls. 
  • Sentient Undead: That's you.
  • Mindless Undead: Zombies, skeletons.
  • Dead: Ghosts, Wraiths. 
I know at least at my table, my typical players are trapped in the "Wraiths are undead, wraith means ghost, therefore ghosts are undead" pipeline from soaking in too much 3.5. They are not. Not here. Both of these creatures are dead.  Should it come up.

A     Raise Zombie, Speak with Dead
B     Bind Ghost, Part the Veil
C     Call Skeleton, Remove Soul
D     Create Wraith, Consume Ghost

Raise Zombie - 3 blood
A target corpse returns to animation as a zombie with 4 hit points and 1 HD. They can carry out simple commands, but are dumb and mindless. Unable to wield weapons, they can slam their bodies into things/people for 1d6 damage. They last until destroyed, but do degrade at 1 HP per day. Also they go last in initiative. 

Speak with Dead - 2 blood per question
By pouring 2 blood per intended question into the mouth of a corpse, you may cause it to speak, specifically to answer questions posed to it. At the end of the scene, the corpse crumbles to dust.

Bind Ghost - 10 blood per task
Ghosts are all around. Since being dead is boring as fuck, they have literally nothing else to do but watch the living. Well, reincarnate, I suppose, but then you're stuck back in this hell. By spending the blood, you can imbue your words with power, essentially fascinating them into serving you. Be it spying on someone or guarding a location ( a la poltergeist), the ghost is compelled to carry out one single task for you.

Part the Veil - 5 blood per scene
Using this power you're able to view the Land of the Dead, a grey twilight that overlaps our own world. Things there reflect, in metaphor, the past, present, and potential futures of our own world. This is why only the dead may speak true prophesy. Have I mentioned that before? Surely I have. 

Call Skeleton - 6 blood
By spending the needed blood, you may call forth the skeleton out of any one corpse or a living ghoul with your blood in them, within 50'. Ghouls get no save in this. Skeletons are intelligent, but not sentient, have 8 HP with 2HD, and can use weapons. They last until destroyed, but degrade at 1 HP per day. They operate on your turn.

Remove Soul - X blood
Any mortals touched must save vs Cha (with penalty equal to [blood]) or have their soul shunted from their body. This forces their body into a catatonic state, while their soul is stuck in a force astral projection. They're stuck in this situation until the next time the sun crosses the horizon, at which point they are shunted back into their own body or, should it not be available due to reasons, the closest suitable one. 

Create Wraith - 10 blood
First off, this is not a good thing. The dead might watch, but they were never meant to interact with the world of the living. Secondly, you'll note this power isn't called "Command Wraith." You might create the wraith, but you have no control over them. By spending the blood, you're able to drive a ghost insane enough to interact with the world, usually to violent results.

Consume Ghost
A weird power, truly. With it, you're able to feed on ghosts, using them to sustain your miserable undead existence. Ghost contain...let's say 5 'blood points' and if you ever contain more ghost 'blood' than real blood, you begin to become ethereal and able to see and interact with the Land of the Dead. 


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