

"There's two things we don't take to here in this holler: 1) IPA drinking outsiders and 2) Sasquatch. You don't look like one of them God damn wood boogers, so just who the hell are you?"

The Ferox prefer to live on the fringes of civilization. Out where the old world has been left alone and the Wilds still remain unconquered. Such places fit them fine and feels like an old hat, or leather jacket, worn so long it's taken to the shape of your body. Just fits.

Trouble is, way out in such a place, you often run afoul of the Old Men of the Mountain ("bigfoots" to you city folk) who, by their nature, are strictly secretive and territorial. This has caused some conflicts to erupt between the two, namely in the form of a secret war. 

A     Whispers of the Wild; Beasts of Burden

B     Claws of the Beast; Beast Mode

C     Beckon; Fortitude

D     Call of the Wild; Mist Form

Whispers of the Wild - 1 blood

Communicate telepathically with any animal you make eye contact with for the rest of the scene. It'll run you 1 blood.

Beasts of Burden - 1 blood

You may blood bond animals to serve you. Typically vampire blood in animals sends them into a frenzy, but

with this power they fall completely under your control.

Claws of the Beast - X blood

Grow claws that allow for melee attack and do 1d8 Supernatural damage. Lasts for [blood] rounds.

Beast Mode - 5 blood

For five blood, you take the form of a wild animal that you have previously drained dry, or rather an unusually

large version of that animal. Anything that animal can do, you can do. Your other Abilities can still be used

while in this shape.

Beckon - X blood

You call out in the voice of a specific type of animal (wolf howl, raven caw, dolphin click) and [blood]

animals of that type are drawn towards you, should any be within range. Animals will arrive non-hostile and

at least willing to listen to you.

Fortitude - 3 blood per reduction

Through supernatural strength, you reduce the type of damage done to you down a level for every 3 blood

you spend.

Supernatural (the worst) > Lethal (most weapons) > Non-lethal (fists) > Nominal (doesn't affect HP)

Call of the Wild - X blood

A single animal target within hearing range saves vs Cha (with penalty equal to [blood]) or it, and it's offspring, must obey a one reasonably worded sentence command (either until completion or until [blood] rounds have passed). Same warning as last time applies, Thom. I swear to God.

Mist Form - 5 blood

Dissolve into a mist form, making yourself completely indistinguishable from actual mist. You’re immune to physical attacks, however fire does twice the damage and sunlight burns you away instantly.  Lasts for a scene.


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