Barkeep on the Borderlands: A Review

Back in the summer of ‘24, back before possession of books was deemed treasonous to the State, I’d somehow or another gotten it into my head to review Barkeep on the Borderlands. But how does one review? I had never been certain. Of course, I’ve read at least a handful, but I’ve never really thought about the elements of one. I’ve never had to. I’m hardly interested in my own vaguely bland opinions,...

Are you using Liches correctly?

I mean, yeah, probably. This bit doesn't actually address ways of using Liches in game.LichesWe all know the basic description of a Lich: "Undead wizard skeleton who does big evil magic and keeps returning from destruction unless you break their soul jar." Yes, yes, straight forward stuff. We've all heard it. BUT: Consider the source. Who told you this? Was it the murder hobos who swept through...


 "You're late" Settle down, no one is playing this mess anyway. Boy, howdy, have I run out of steam on this.UmbraHumans fear the dark. Many assume it's due to the unknown and what lies within. Wrong. It is fear of the dark itself that led to the survival of the human race. The Umbra, in case you couldn't tell from the very clever name, hold power over the dark itself. Using this power...


 NecrodomMasters and summoners of both the dead and undead, who use their powers to raise minions and pose questions to souls who have passed beyond the veil. Also, they tend to hang around in grave yards and look like the Cure rejects in face paint. IS it face paint, or do they 'naturally' look like that? Who's the say. A moment should be taken, perhaps, to review terms:Living: Most mortals...


Ferox"There's two things we don't take to here in this holler: 1) IPA drinking outsiders and 2) Sasquatch. You don't look like one of them God damn wood boogers, so just who the hell are you?"The Ferox prefer to live on the fringes of civilization. Out where the old world has been left alone and the Wilds still remain unconquered. Such places fit them fine and feels like an old hat, or leather jacket,...


ExaltedImagine the most perfect person you know. Flawless hair. Flawless skin. Perfect looks. Now, make them a vampire. Now, make them a vampire with supernatural powers that shows off their perfection to trick prey into coming closer. To eat. Yeah, you're getting it.They're not actually exalted in any form or fashion. They're not empowered by gods to fight a mystical war or anything. They're just...


Discordant You ever have a nightmare you can't wake up from? Trapped in an endless void, trying to scream, but only able to get out a helpless meep? Or having no mouth at all, needing to scream as your tormented by amorphous beasts ever just out of sight. Or having to be in the presence of a libertarian for any amount of time. Truly gruesome stuff. The Discordant love to torment their victims,...

Vampyr: the Edge Lording

Sometime ago I started working on a Vampire the Masquerade GLoG hack for a joke someone made. Like most things in my life, I soon lost interest in it and abandoned it. Recently however, I found my copy of the VtM core book in a box and recalled it's existence out of the shadowy depths of my memory.  And if I gotta suffer it, now so do you. Some fluff details have been changed, simply because. (My...