
In working on the Drone system, I grew to like the idea of the modular feature system. Seemed good to me and feedback was generally positive. So, now, it's getting applied to Weapons as well. It'll be jammed into Armor too, at some point. This allows for avoiding an over long list of ever so slightly different weapons, as well as allows for a Borderlands style gun generator. Hope you like exploding mono-filament swords. Or reinforced depleted uranium shotguns.

That Ammo system I wrote a while back? Hot garbage. Cast it from your heart and turn your gaze from it. We will speak no more of it.

The list of features for melee and range weapons started off fairly different, but as progress continued, they soon grew more and more similar. But it was too late! They're were made as separate lists, they'll be published as separate lists. Also, some of the features are ever so slightly different between the two.

Also, I fully acknowledge prices would be helpful, however I don't intend to fix this until the generator. I am hideously cruel.

Features are stackable.

Melee Weapons
  • Small - 1 feature
  • Medium - 2 features
  • Heavy - 3 features
  • Cheap - This item is of poor construction and/or shoddy material. Only has one equipment condition check, leaving it to break on a critical failure/success. Critical failure range is increased by one (20 becomes 19-20). Critical success decreases by one (1-2 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0). On the upside, it's much cheaper. 
  • Collapsible - Is able to be broken down into multiple parts that appear dissimilar or as other mundane objects, in order to fool anyone performing a search.  
  • Depleted Uranium - The world of 20XX has a lot of this stuff. Too much. Some dumb bastard as plated the hitting part of a melee weapon with it. Leaves traces of radioactivity on targets. 
  • Electrified - The hitting end of this weapon has an electrical current running through it. To a non-cyberaugmented person, the pain of the electricity is usually ignored due to the larger pain of the weapon hitting you. To an augmented person, however, the electricity causes havoc with the nerve feedback systems, doing an additional dice of damage. (1d6 becomes 2d6; 4d6 becomes 5d6; etc) 
  • Exploding - Creates an explosion forcing everything in a 20' radius to Save vs Explosion, or take 1d6 damage. Consumes current item on usage. 
  • Flaming - Part of this weapon literally catches on fire, doing an extra 1d4 Fire damage. Probably scares the hell out of people not expecting it. 
  • Flexible - Made to whip and bend. Ignores bonus from Shields.
  • Heavy Weight - Takes an additional Inventory slot.  
  • High Quality - The item is of masterful construction and of premium material. Might even have an ornate design carved into it. Has 5 equipment condition checks. Critical failure range is reduced by 1. Critical success range is increased by 1. You're gonna drop some serious nuevoYen on it, however. 
  • Light Weight - takes up one less Inventory slot. Down to 1/2 slot. 
  • Mono-filament - The Vorpal of cyberpunk. Removes a limb from the target on a Critical Hit. Removes a limb from the user on a Critical Miss. (1d6: 1.Right Arm, 2. Left Arm, 3.Right Leg, 4.Left Leg, 5. Head, 6. Torso)  
  • Poison - Has poison injector within blade, with supply reservoir in the handle large enough for one dosage.
  • Ranged - Whether the weapon is designed to be thrown, or has a ballistic spring loaded blade/head attached to a button for a sudden and violent release, this feature allows for a single, ranged attack, requiring a reload for the item to be used again.  
  • Rend - Weapon is designed to damage the armor as it attacks. On top of the applied damage, Armor takes an equipment check.  
  • Stun - On successful attack, target must Save vs Electric, or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. 
  • Thrusters - Micro rockets on the backside of the hitting part push it forward just a little bit harder. +1 to damage. 

Ranged Weapons
  • Small - 1 feature
  • Medium (1 hand) - 2 features
  • Medium (rifle) - 3 Features
  • Heavy - 4 features
  • Auto-reloading - Automatically reloads the weapon, should further ammunition be within user's inventory. 
  • Auto-targeting - The on-board computer is a bloodthirsty sonovabitch. +1 to Attack. 
  • Cheap - This item is of poor construction and/or shoddy material. Only has one equipment condition check, leaving it to break on a critical failure/success. Critical failure range is increased by one (20 becomes 19-20). Critical success decreases by one (1-2 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0). On the upside, it's much cheaper. 
  • Collapsible - Is able to be broken down into multiple parts that appear dissimilar or as other mundane objects, in order to fool anyone performing a search. 
  • Depleted Uranium - Leaves traces of radioactive material in the target. Also horrible cancer decades later!
  • Explodable - Explodes (1 round delay), attacking everyone within 20' for (current ammo/2)d4 damage. Consumes the current item on usage.
  • Explosive - Uses exploding rounds, doing 1 damage dice size larger. Critical fails in attacking destroys the gun and damages the user. 
  • Flechette - Fragile projectiles that shatter upon impact. Armored targets are immune to further effect, however unarmored targets must Save or being to Bleed
  • Heavy Weight - Takes an additional Inventory slot.  
  • High Quality - The item is of masterful construction and of premium material. Might even have an ornate design carved into it. Has 5 equipment condition checks. Critical failure range is reduced by 1. Critical success range is increased by 1. You're gonna drop some serious nuevoYen on it, however. 
  • Laser - Shots are stack-able up to number of shots remaining. (ex. a fully charged medium weapon can fire 5d6 and 2d6 attacks on separate rounds before reload, or a full 7d6 requiring immediate reload)
  • Light Weight - Takes up one less inventory space. Down to 1/2 a slot. 
  • Nonlethal - Damage done by this weapon is nonlethal. 
  • Phosphorous - Targets must Save or take an additional 1d4 worth of Fire damage every round until a round is spent to extinguish the flames. Flammable objects ignite when shot. 
  • Poison - Fires poisonous darts/capsules that force target to make a Save vs Poison on a successful hit, or be poisoned. By poison. Through poisoning.  
  • Reinforced - Guns aren't made to hit things with. This one has a reinforced frame, allowing for melee attacks for 1 dice size smaller. (If already d4, damage is nonlethal)
  • Rend - Weapon fires ammo designed to damage the armor as it attacks. On top of the applied damage, Armor takes an equipment check. 
  • Security - Sensors in the grip read the user's fingerprints and only active the firing mechanism if the user is cleared. 
  • Silent - Weapon can be fired without a sound. 
  • Stun - On successful attack, target must Save vs Electric, or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. 
  • Suppressing Fire - Consumes four ammunition to force targets within 50' arc to Save vs Area Attack, or automatically lose initiative check next round.
  • Video Sight - Mounted camera on the weapon communicates with eye augment or display gear, allowing for aiming, even while not facing in the same direction.  

Grenades present a bit of an issue for the system: they're throwable, exploding, and generally take up one inventory slot while doing 1d6. Actually, while thinking how to word this, I realized I could just add another subsystem. I ain't paying by the word here. I can yammer on as long as I want. Either way, Grenades get the Ranged and Exploding features from melee, plus one of the following:

  • EMP - Target caught in the explosion must make a further Save vs EMP or all of their equipment, including cyber augmentations, takes an equipment check.
  • Flashbang - Target must make an additional Save or be Blind and Deaf for 1d4 rounds. 
  • Gas - Grenade releases a cloud of gas. Target must further Save vs Gas or suffer effects related to the gas within.
  • Phosphorous - Jesus. Everything flammable within the blast radius catches on fire. Targets must Save or take additional 1d4 worth of Fire damage every round until a round is spent extinguishing the flames. 
  • Reinforced - Grenade can be used for bashing a bastard's head in for 1d4, should your anger get the best of you. 
  • Smoke - Explosion produces thick smoke which reduces visibility to zero. Anyone relying on normal sight is effectively Blind while in the cloud. 

     Yes, yes, I too hate lists of ever so slightly different things. Hopefully, however, this'll show off how vague the system can be for adaption and customization purposes. Think of a good one? Leave it in the comments below.

Exploding Fire Ax
Heavy Melee Weapon
Features: Exploding, Exploding, Exploding
     A fire ax with door busting capabilities built in. Deals 1d10+Str in melee, or 3d6 in explosion, but consumes the item. 

Mono-filiment Whip
Medium Melee Weapon
Features: Mono-filament, Light Weight
     Iconic. Terrifying. A single, six foot long strand of electrified carbon molecules weaponized via the addition of a weighted end. People that use these are either experts or expendable.

Mono-filament Katana 
Medium Melee Weapon
Features: Mono-filament, Light Weight
     A favored weapon by vat grown assassins. The slightest wrong move is deadly. 

Ballistic Electrified Knife
Medium Melee Weapon 
Features: Ranged, Electrified
     For the thug who really hates augments, but doesn't want to walk all the way over there to stab them. Blade does 1d6+Str against normal people, or 2d6 against Augments.

Board with a Nail in it
Medium Melee Weapon
Features: Cheap, Light Weight
     It's a board. With a nail in it. And you can find it just about anywhere, which is good, because it breaks often.

Fancy Board with a Nail in it
Medium Melee Weapon
Features: High Quality, Light Weight
     It's a fancy board. With a fancy nail in it. The board itself is a cloned Redwood, and the nail has an engraved floral pattern with black accents against gold plating. The perfect gift for the thug who has everything.

Rocket Yo-Yo
Small Melee Weapon
Features: Thrusters
     Literally just a weighted yo-yo with a model rocket engine epoxied to it. Does 1d4+1+Str damage.

Kongsberg "Mjolnir" Assault System
Heavy Melee Weapon
Features: Electrified, Ranged, Heavy Weight
     Big godsdamn two-handed war hammer attached to a power generator on the user's back. Takes up four inventory slots, but in addition to the standard melee attack, allows for an electrical area attack against everyone in a 20 foot radius once per combat.

Urban Ranger Hitting Stick
Medium Rifle Weapon
Features: Auto-Targeting, Reinforced, Silent
     A specialty made compound bow with a reinforced riser and limbs, useful for hitting people should they get too close. Does 1d8 ranged damage, and 1d6 melee damage.

Laser Cannon
Heavy Range Weapon
Features: Laser, Laser, Laser, Laser
     Listen, am I about to tell you it has the potential to fire a single 28d10 shot? Yes, I believe I am. Takes four rounds to reload, however; one per laser battery. (each battery provides 7 shots)

Overcharging Laser Cannon
Heavy Range Weapon
Features: Laser, Laser, Laser, Explodable
     Then again, why worry about reloading? Just flip the switch to overload (why is that there??) and throw at the enemy. Then just sit back and just watch for the potential 20d4 explosion.

Molly's Gun
Medium One-Handed Weapon
Features: Flechette, Poison
     Coated in a poison derived from shell fish and really useful for shooting over-rich insane people in the eye. The perverts.

Silent But Deadly
Medium One-Handed Weapon
Features: Laser, Silent
     Without the satisfying "PEW PEW" of it's brethren lasers, it's really just a lethal laser pointer.

Heavy Melee Weapon
Features: Electrified, Rend, Thrusters
     An electrified, spike knuckled glove with miniature rockets to push it into hitting slightly harder. Perfect for fucking someone's day up. Does 1d10+1+Str against non-augmented people or 2d10+1+Str against augmented people, and will ruin both of their armor.


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1 comment:

  1. This is really cool, thanks. I really should check out GLOG; the more 5e I play the more the OSR appeals to me!
