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"Hey, you seen this funny picture about cowboys being wizards with wands casting the bullet spell?"
"Dang it, boy. Lemme finish this cyberpunk setting before I get distracted by a weird west setting."
I am bound by cruel and ancient pacts to make this:
Eldritch Plains Drifter
Starting Gear: Revolver, Pack of Cigarillos, Poncho
Starting Skill (1d3): 1 - Survival, 2 - Cattleman, 3 - Occult
A. Hex'n, Summon Horse
B. +1 Hex'n
C. Good Smoke, +1 Hex'n
D. Hunter, +1 Hex'n
You're one of the rare few who've learned a certain...tricks. It ain't witchery, exactly; that'd be a sin. Rather you're focusing your will for sustained, minor effects over reality in a somewhat arcane manner. I said it ain't witching! Ah, spit, whatever you want to call it, you can do a few 'em. While each one has a refresh time, you've hex "slots" equal to your number of Drifter templates, representing how many you can sustain at a time. See below for a list of Hexes. You get one per level, but they're also learnable in world, should you meet someone with the know'n.
Summon Horse
Every cowboy needs to dependable partner on their side, and there ain't no one more dependable than their horse. With a loud whistle you're able to summon your faithful companion, no matter where you left them last.
Good Smoke
Some men take to whiskey for their healing, you've taken to smoking. While smoking a cigarillo, or really any tobacco, you restore an additional 1d4. Takes about 30 minutes.
Pick a type of creature (undead, demons, witches, lycanthrope, etc; preferably ones that done you wrong in some way). You're now a dang nuisance to 'em. You do +2 damage to them, and have a 4-in-6 chance to detect them near, just by being close.
Listed here ain't the entirety, but they should offer you a good start. Anything with a casting time over 30 minutes is probably better done during downtime, but you do what ya gotta.
Bandito Bandanna
Time to Cast: 20 minutes
Through a minor ritual of adjusting your bandanna over your mouth, and changing your hat, and taking the mind frame of someone else, you can completely conceal your identity for a scene. Hex slot is filled for the rest of the day.
Dirty Dealing
Time to Cast: Instant
Through tricky finger work and shuffling, you're able to deal out cards to Template people in a manner you see fit (including yourself). Slot is taken for the rest of the day.
Time to Cast: 30 minutes
Water is a scarcity out here, and a good dowsing is a blessing. Given a y-shaped willow branch and some concentration you're able to find underground water. This hex'n can be adapted to locate other things (buried metals, oil, gravesights, etc) but it ain't a sure thing, about a 2-in-6 chance. Takes up a slot for the rest of the day.
Hand of Glory
Time to Cast: 6 hours
By rendering the fat of a hanged man into wax, and further a candle, you produce an item (a candle) which, when lit, will only show light for the holder. The holder will also be able to see ghosts with it, but they'll also be able to see the candle light, even when not lit. And, boy, do they ever hate it. Hex slot is taken up for as long as the candle exists in a usable fashion. Still subject to standard candle guttering rules.
Horse Brass
Time to Cast: 30 minutes
You take to polishing the ornament on your saddle, imbuing it with your will as you do. Reduces Witches' spells chances of working against the horse or rider by 10%. Stackable, but each usage requires a different ornament. Hex slot is in use until the effect is dismissed.
Imbue Pistol
Time to Cast: 1 hour
Perform a ritual to bless the shots in the revolver with power associated with time performed. Lasts until shots are removed from gun.
- High Noon - Bullets burn vampires like sunlight
- Midnight - Act like silver for werewolves
- Dusk - All hits count as headshots against zombies
- Dawn - Shots count as holy against them of demonic persuasion (Demons, witches, etc)
Reading the Signs
Time to Cast: Quite a while. Only usable in down time.
Effect: Stolen from here (edit: seems Mmmarques site is gone? And possibly full of malware?). Only the dead know true prophecy, but you've reckoned a way to glean a bit of their knowin'. Choose a method from the ways below, and gain a new one through rolling each time you take a template.
1. Abacomancy - Divination through dust or sand. If there's one damn thing we got out here, it's sand. Not just any sand'll do you, though. It'll need to be from an auspicious location: grave dirt, ashes of a burnt church, et cetera and so forth. Like I said, though, there's plenty of sand and dust out here. Use this too often and you'll start seeing signs in everything.
2. Asterimancy - Divination through stars. There's a big damn sky out here at night, just plum full of stars. And I reckon they seen their fair share of sights. Give 'em a read and they might take to offering what they've seen. Gander at them too long though, and something is likely to gander back.
3. Augury - Divination through the flight of birds. Circling buzzards foretell death; that's an easy one. Other birds got knownings to share, all's ya got to do is watch 'em. I wouldn't trust them dang owls, though.
4. Necromancy - Divination through dead. Sometimes you gotta go to the source itself. The dead ain't keen on giving up their secrets readily, though, so you'll have to be sweet on 'em. Find their skull, place 'em in a dark room, and offer up good whiskey and smoking tobacco. Sometimes they'll need the Good Word to coax 'em into talking. When they do, you'll get all of three questions answered out of them, before they return to their Reward.
5. Pyromancy - Divination through patterns in flames. Strike up a campfire, feed it right, and give it a watch. In time it'l give you it's mysteries. Old prairie coal ain't gonna suffice, though. It'll need old bones, or wood from a tree licked by lightning.
6. Tasseomancy - Divination through patterns in tea leaves or coffee grounds. Brew it up, serve it, leaving plenty enough for the grounds to settle in the cup. The stronger, the better. They say reading your own coffin varnish is bad luck, but what other dang fool you got to do it?
Take a single d6 and roll it when you go to perform your mancy. Add a +1 to your roll if you meet any of the following conditions:
- You ain't in no rush or under duress.
- You're unharmed and under no curses, supernatural effects, or other sort of witcher'n.
- You've the appropriate tools needed for the divination.
- You've taken steps to "mystically attune" your mind. (He means peyote)
The following chart shows how exact of an answer should be given by the Referee.
1-2: Vague answers, cryptic, lots of symbols, nothing direct.
3-4: An answer requiring less interpretation, some explanation, familiar things and obvious clues.
5-6: Clear answer, obvious people or creatures, no real trickery, still somewhat encoded.
7+: Exact answer, no room for interpretation.
Every time you perform your divination, the maximum X-in-6 chance you have goes down. On your second try, any roll of 6 becomes 5. On your third try, any roll of 6 or 5 becomes 4, etc. Each reading takes a hex slot that don't refresh until the next down time. The maximum also resets at this time.
It's amazing what you can learn by enjoying a pot of black coffee brewed over a campfire in the grave yard at night.
Shoes of Greased Lightning
Time to Cast: 2 hours
In shoeing your horse with shoes engraved with scripture, you're able to double the speed of your horse, to no ill effect of the beast. Effect waits until activated by a trigger word, then lasts until the sun next crosses the horizon. Hex slot is taken up until the effects end.
Tracking Bullet
Time to Cast: 1 hour
You imbue a bullet with your will and, in doing so, you know exactly which direction this bullet is at all times; or until the sun crosses the horizon after it's been fired. It takes but a moment of concentration to conjure this information. Slot's in use until the bullet has been fired.
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